We all feel the pain of the WT, now what will we do about it?

by dawg 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    Where did I say that faders are cowards? Didn't happen.

  • ninja

    hey dawg.....good thread mate........I have loved ones .....(and a mother in law!!!) still stuck in there...the reason I spoke out is the reason you said....if you don't stand up to evil it wins....I know that by me making a stand ...it may help others in there who are questioning...and I know there were a few....when the watchtower comes down dawg....I'll buy you a beer or three....promise.......da ninja

  • dawg

    I may be coming to scottland in july... you can but me a beer then, I'll buy you four. Chek out my latest reply to sir nose... its funny as hell

  • slimboyfat


    With respect, that is garbage. The Witnesses are not 'evil in the modern world'. If one chooses to leave them fine, but don't pretend that speaking against a smalltime religion somehow equates to the civil rights movement or fighting British imperialism:

    Doctor King lost it all yet he changed the world, so did Gandi.

    I choose not to leave even though I don't believe they have the truth. They are on the whole sincere. I see no reason to rock the boat, and I don't care what that makes anyone think about me. I rather think of myself as like the thousands of atheists who attend Anglican churches because they like the music.


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Slim - your right to stay for whatever reason is respected and I totally agree that there are many lovely sincere people but the comparison to people who go to church for the music doesn't equate. By staying you are giving your support and helping keep alive a religion that continues to cause deep pain and emotional abuse to many, some even commit suicide because of it. If more people took a stand then a change for the better might result. Your doing nothing contributes to no change. This is not a criticism but just my thoughts :-)

  • dawg

    Read what was written not what you want to read into it Slim.... I didn't say that destroying the evil WT organization was the same as Dr. King nor Gandi, what i did was use an anaolgy to show that people standing up to evil can change the world... you are just like the person that accued me of saying faders are cowards... I didn't say that either. I think what's happened here is you see that your actions are allowing an evil to exist and you feel bad about it so you feel the need to project those feelings onto me... It doesn't work Slim baby, I can care less your opinin of me espcially now that i know your too weak to stand up for what you really believe. Honestly, what kind of a man are you slim? Haven't you read what has happend to many of our famlies? And that isn't evil to you Slim baby? Frankly, people like you make me sick.... and even thought i didn't say it before-hell yes you are a damn coward. Try and find another way to justify your cowardice Slim, I'm not buying it...

  • jws
    Where did I say that faders are cowards? Didn't happen.

    Well, you did compare telling off the JWs to the scene in Braveheart, where an overwhelming English army shows up and many of the Scots are about to leave in fear.

    Your post is about fading quietly versus speaking out.

    You compared those who speak out against the JWs to those Scots who stayed to fight the English. The cowards who left, by implication, are the faders.

    You strike me as a very angry person. You're very angry with the JWs, but there's no need to start calling people names on this forum. Everybody goes at their own pace. Just being on this board is a step for many. If you want to offer advice, do so, but don't resort to name calling. Discuss it like an adult. Slim may be doing what's best for his situation.

    I'm sure calling him names isn't going to make him think "hey, dawg is right, I think I'll leave and do it loudly". He's probably just shaking his head, and has writing off any opinions or suggestions you might have.

    I'm kind of starting to sense what probably happened when you spoke out against the JWs. You probably did a lot of yelling and name-calling. Instead of provoking any thought, you probably made them shut you out. So instead of making an impact, you may have lost your family for nothing.

  • juni

    I already DAed myself 14 years ago. Not that I did something wrong according to them.... just wanted to be left alone and let them know that I didn't want to be a part anymore.

    What am I doing about it? Reading other books on cultish behavior. And moving ahead.....


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