Infected tooth

by greendawn 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC


    Jawbreakers are a round very hard candy, this one was a atomic fire ball. As the name suggests they are painful even when they don't break you teeth.


  • jaguarbass

    About 3 years ago, I got tremendous pain in my tooth, I had to put ice on it. I went to the dentist and had a root canal. And I ended up loosing the tooth. Now I have a bridge. I hate going to the dentist.


    ..GreenDawn..Make sure you get that taken care of!!..It can lead to many more complications.....I`ve had to take care of myself in the wilderness..It Sucked!...OUTLAW

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I have had my share of experiences with abscess teeth. The antibiotics will eventually take the inflammation away but I found that Advil is the best for tooth aches.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Greendawn,

    Hope you're back to full recovery real quick.

    Cheers, ozzie

  • Finally-Free
    ..GreenDawn..Make sure you get that taken care of!!..It can lead to many more complications.....I`ve had to take care of myself in the wilderness..It Sucked!...OUTLAW

    That doesn't sound good. Aside from pliars and a bottle of whisky, there's probably not much you can do. W

  • greendawn

    Ninja when the pain is something more than pain from an exposed nerve on the tooth surface as when biting or touch a tooth hurts it most probably has an infected root and must be quickly taken care of.

    Outlaw that sounds ominous as if you had someone pluck out the painful tooth. I did go prompty to the dentist and prescribed antibiotics which quicly cleared the problem.

    Ozziepost, crooked LV and Penwell thanks, by now there is hardly any tenderness let alone pain.

    Jaguarbass it's always terrible to lose a tooth other than the wisdom teeth which aren't of much use.

    The update is that the antibiotic did its work rather quickly. There was on and off some tenderness and occasionally mild pain until today but someone told me that was due to the liquid pus left after the infection got defeated, locked in the tooth root cavity, having nowhere to go and pressing on the gum hence the discomfort. The body will soon absorb it the pressure will be relieved and the pain will go. Actually now I feel no discomfort at all, it may be the end of it.

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