Progress of Snakes Fade .. A Realization and Help from an unexpected source

by SnakesInTheTower 28 Replies latest members private

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I am glad you found someone to sound off to . I did a quick fade last year and have found some wonderful listeners in people I work with .It has been amazing to me how genuinely helpful they have all been through this past year . I have even been talking with a local methodist pastor that has been very encouraging to me . He never attacks the witnesses but patiently listens to my experience .When he offers a suggestion you never feel that if you choose to do something else he is going to be offended ,so different than what I was use to .

    Acceptance and real caring is what I have encountered so far on my journey out. I hope you will find freedom and peace as you fade .

  • monophonic

    great experience!

    isn't it ironic that we were bombarded with the constant, 'they're worldly' attitude when it came to anyone who wasn't a witness, and then to find out they act more christian that jws?

    wtbts is just like when pres. bush said, 'if you're not for us, you're for the terrorists', blanket propaganda statement....maybe bush is studying?

  • TheListener

    I love hearing updates for others. Sounds like this guy is a true friend. You're lucky.

    It was a true friend of mine who unconditionally accepted me and allowed me to question my faith without trying to pull me out of the truth (ugh I hate when I say 'the truth'). We're still really close.

    I hope the fade goes well. Just remember, if they try to catch you out you do not have to engage them with any sort of specifics. Just be tired, depressed, sick etc etc.

    Good luck.

  • JK666

    Snakes, We got your back a state away! JK

  • penny2

    Snake, it's good to get support from a live person, isn't it.

    I got support from an unexpected source. It was a neighbour - she mentioned something about birthdays and said she knew I didn't celebrate. I told her I was no longer a JW - she replied, "Are you OK?" And then proceeded to tell me how some of her family are JWs and her father studied at one stage. What a bad experience it was when he was studying - the home became a very depressing place - no more fun, etc. And she knows all the ins and outs about JWs not going into churches, even for weddings and funerals (that upset her the most).

    It was just good to speak to someone who seemed to understand.

  • brinjen
    When I asked him if he thought JW were a cult, his eyes got huge...and he said "Snake, are you sure you want my opinion? I respect your right to your beliefs." I told him sure...and he and got to talking about his studies of mind control groups and cults. He said he has been worried over the years about my involvement as a Witness because of this (as well as a mutual friend that worked with us that is still an elder that this trainer respects). He very much thinks that JW/WT is a cult and he is so happy that I have come to that realization. He told me (and I am embarrassed about this) that he said I was a genuine spiritual person who just wants to help but that I have a tough few months ahead

    Its kinda funny, even though I left the borg nearly a decade ago, it wasn't until a couple of months back when I was talking to a work mate (who has become a good friend) that it dawned on me I was raised in a cult. I mentioned to him I used to be a dub (can't remember why). Immediately his eyes widened "so you were in a cult?". Without even realising it I answered "yes". That was the moment that started a string of events that led me here.

    When you're raised in the borg, you become so conditioned to believe everyone outside of it is out to get you that you don't realise you are even doing it. Of course, we know why they make us believe this... It sounds like you've got some great support there. Wish you all the best Snakes!

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Hi Snakes.

    Read every word of your post. I'm glad you found someone to talk to. Baby steps, one at a time soon you'll be a faded memory in the congo.

  • flipper

    That's excellent, good to have support. flipper

  • zack

    Glad to hear your story. I think your friend may be right about not being able to escape "unscathed." I too was an elder until recently and my fade has been rapid. Yet, the only call I have gotten was from the cong. secretary this past week wanting to get all the "records" straight for the CO visit. I had not reported time in a couple of months. I told him I had nothing to report. He asked "You haven't talked about Jehovah to anyone?" My reply "I actually have witnessed about Christ quite a bit." That was the end of the conversation. I'm not making waves. They're happy, I think, to see me gone. I was never a company man. Must have been all those seraphs pushing us out and leading us to JWD who are responsible, huh?

    All the best to you.

    And, yes, IT IS A CULT.

  • Crumpet

    Snakes - I'm really glad you have such a friend, and he sounds very genuine and also very concerned about maintaining a mutual respect which is great.

    One day soon, I hope to meet some of you in person at one of your Apostafests (if the invite is extended that is since I dont really know you personally).

    As for fests well I shall be over in December in Dallas maybe you'll come and spend New Year and meet some of us then! Mostly none of us no each other in person when we go to our first fest. You generally come away with several more friends and a whole lot more confidence then you arrived with!

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