20 minutes....

by Scully 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    Thanks for sharing that Snakes... I knew there was something in the outline regarding "not eulogizing the deceased", but holy crap... "need not exceed 30 minutes"???? WTF??

    Just an aside, regarding that bonfire you're planning.... please save those outlines!! and any internal documents (BOE letters, etc) that you might have in your possession.

    I would be quite interested in archiving the talk outlines if you feel like sending them my way. I could definitely make sure they end up in the right hands.

  • Mary
    I found out today that the Infomercial her Memorial Serviceā„¢ at the Kingdom Hall was all of 20 minutes. TWENTY EFFING MINUTES is all they could muster for someone who devoted almost 30 years of her life to the WTS.

    Ya.....and I wonder how much of that 20 minutes was actually dedicated to her. I'm really sorry for the loss of your friend Scully. This happened to me a few months ago. I went to the Dub funeral and it was actually an improvement on what they normally had (which shocked me). It's quite disgraceful.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    Sorry about your loss

  • eclipse

    Scully, I am so mad and sad for you at the loss of your dear friend...

  • SnakesInTheTower


    you have a PM....PM your address and I will send them along...dont worry about paying for postage...... I have 150 or more of the current 170 outlines (unmarked nearly new condition) and would be glad to send them along. As I said in my PM to you, I ordered the set of outlines from the Borg while I was still the talk coordinator...for such nefarious purposes as what you are proposing....

    I had intended to copy every damn one of those BOE policy letters before I left,,,Sadly, the copier was down in the elder's room right before I left. ...... hmmm..ya think the elders knew something was up and did not want the copier to be fixed? If I'd gotten caught, I would definitely have been D/F...and this was all before I decided to fade....

    I was going to steal one of the elders manuals from the bottom of the elders cabinet from a previous elder who turned his in......so when I handed mine in I would still have one... I forgot...damn....that would have been sweeeet!

    SnakesInTheTower (of the Devious Sheep Class)

  • Scully
    I had intended to copy every damn one of those BOE policy letters before I left

    I already have a collection of those (along with the Pay Attention to the Flock book) in PDF format.

  • Scully

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that a person's entire life can be summed up in such a brief time frame. It's as though there's not even a shred of gratitude from the Organizationā„¢ that my friend spent almost 30 years slaving for them... and the fact that people can barely spare half an hour to pay their respects... it just floors me. I had only a couple of experiences with JW funerals - and I guess both were exceptions rather than the rule. There were eulogies. Different people spoke about the ones who were being remembered; whose lives were being celebrated.

    To me, a 20 minute Infomercial seems so inadequate. It made me think of Star Trek TNG episodes when members of the Borg were killed in a shoot out. There was no mourning, no ceasefire. More Borg came to replace the fallen comrades, just stepping over the bodies before they got beamed back to the collective.

    Does the WTS even realize just how repulsive this practice is?

  • Hortensia

    I'm sorry about the loss of your friend Hortensia

  • Gopher


    My condolences as well on the passing of your friend.

    Actually this post could just as well be titled "TWO MINUTES", because that's approximately how long they spend actually talking about the deceased JW, usually by reading the note on the printed program: Jane Doe, born year, month, day in somewhere, some province or state, died year, month, day, somewhere. She is survived by xxxx, xxxx, xxx and xxx. And then maybe one or two paragraphs AT MOST about her life.

    Then, there is the bridge "as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, Jane Doe had the hope of resurrection... she believed this , she believed that" and the infomercial is ON.

    So actually no matter if the funeral or service is 20 minutes or 30, the amount of attention actually paid to the person who just died is very short. The rest (as you know) is a sales job to the captive audience of mostly non-JW's.

    Sad but true.

  • greendawn

    It is a well known fact that the WTS is an ungrateful organisation also by the way they throw people out after years of loyal service. The org exists solely to serve the interests of those that own it and everything else is a myth. They don't really care about any dub.

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