'..simply for a contribution to cover the printing cost of the magazines...

by Gill 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I remember hearing talks at the KH and conventions where they would boast about how little the literature cost, and how great the quality of the books were. They would compare their books to "worldly" book making companies and how WBTS was superior. We were all supposed to be very impressed by this, and of course, we were!

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Hey guys,

    Here is the link: press on "printroom conversion" down about four or five paragraphs. Note the costs of all the press runs down at the bottom of the report.



  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    This is the reason I tell people I did not attend "worship services" but, I attended Business Meetings for thirty plus years.

    The WT is in the BUSINESS of selling the "Kingdom Message" as they view it. This is a BUSINESS model (as some other post mentioned) and the interactions of the sales force and the way it is managed is comparable to a paranoid, out of touch business enviroment: on acid and filled with sexual frustration, petty jelousy, and back stabing political manuvering.

    Once you understand that: well, with a bit of dementia added, and. it ALL makes sense.


  • Gill

    Vernon - I always thought there was something cold and clinical about the bOrg and now I understand why. In the end, it was and still is more than ever, a business, and a business is out to make a profit. What's so devillishly clever about the WT society is that it pretends to be a religion! Now that is just plain funny and it claims a monopoly on 'The Truth' whatever that may turn out to be!!


    I sometimes wonder, if there is an afterlife of some sort, whether there's a bunch of disgruntled former JWs sitting on a cloud somewhere spitting on the Watchtower Society!!!

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    This whole thread just bumms me out...............What a schmuck I was for all those years.....and i'm letting mt family continue to be schmucks...........I suck.

  • Gill

    Passive suicide - It is a touch annoying, isn't it! But, I have gone from being really angry with them to finding it funny as well.

    What A CON!!!!! How bloody clever!!!!!!

    You have to laugh at yourself for having been such a dumb ass and believing them in the first place!

  • monophonic

    [What a schmuck I was for all those years]

    be happy you're now un-schmucked.

  • Clam

    This thread is a valuable one to contributors, readers and lurkers alike. Thanks Gill.

    The fact remains that the WTS has no divine inspiration, but continues harvesting personnel to expand its international publishing empire. You can dedicate your life to the WTS but it won't save you in some divine apocalypse, it will simply mean that you will be an unpaid minion for a syndicate of very wealthy people. Faith is one thing, but fact is another.


  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    A person is either going in a straight line or going in circles.

    A straight line requires two points....same with "charting a course."

    If you know where you started and where you are: you have two points.

    If you know your present location and where your goal is: you have two points.

    You were with the WT and now you are here: that is a straight line of escape.

    Now, you need to figure out where you WANT to be, draw the line, chart the course, and go "full sail."

    Yours in this Journey,


  • B_Deserter

    "It's so similar to Multi Level Marketing that you wonder whether the WTS was used as a business model and inspiration by the original MLMers!"

    Funny story. One of my JW friends got talked into something called "Team of Destiny." It was a subsidiary of Quikstar, which is a subsidiary of Alticor (Amway). He said he was amazed at how much ToD organized like Witnesses. They had several "meetings" a week, as well as large conventions twice a year. He said the feel was almost identical and they once even alluded to how successful "The Bible Students" are at getting new converts in order to motivate people to hit the pavement as well.

    Anyway, I remember asking for 50 cents as a child, but never paying for the magazines (I'll have to ask my parents about that). The magazines may have cost 3 cents, but they also cost money to ship. That's probably where that extra 20-odd cents went, especially to magazines being shipped to other countries.

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