Why did you want to be an elder?

by ThomasCovenant 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finally-Free

    I never wanted to be an elder. It was the rest of the congregation that viewed you as worthless if you didn't have a title of some sort, and I suspect that might be a reason why people accepted those positions.


  • Tristram

    XBHERE sez:

    Ultimately I wanted these "privleges" because I was a hard core JW and to not have them would not be acceptable.

    There are two ways to take this: as a hardcore JW, it would not be acceptable to the individual to not attain this pinnacle of service. From the congregation's view it is not generally acceptable for a male to be in his 30's and not yet be appointed an elder unless there are some extenuating circumstances.

    I wanted to be an elder (never was though) because I generally thought I could make a difference. I've read too many experiences here and elsewhere to know that is not the case.

  • Hermano

    I wanted to be an elder cause it's a symbol of success. Think about it, you're constantly told not to look for bigger things in the world, not to seek monetary success, or fame. How are you supposed to feel like you are getting somewhere in life, like you are climbing the ladder? So instead of setting goals like getting a raise or a promotion at work, you set a goal like make MS or make elder or PO. I sure as hell don't know how the sisters do it....

  • return visitor
    return visitor

    I never wanted to be an elder but accepted the possition because I was trying to do what I was being taught God wanted. I believed the lie.

  • nowisee

    hah! as a female i just wanted to be an elder's wife! i am sure it was for the prestige and the inherent social aspects of the position. i wish i could say my motives were as pure as "eldress blondie"!

  • SnakesInTheTower


    I really thought I could make a difference in the congo. So many seem to need much attention and I wanted to be there to do that

    yep, that was me too RF...naive and full of energy and good intentions.. (just like politicians). I was finally appointed an elder....started getting disillusioned real quick. Moved congos to where the need was great (TM).... appointed immediately... much to the local yokels dismay...stayed a few months... got sick of the games (such as .... the 3 local elders having "Service committee" meetings without me, later to find out they were really "closed door elder meetings" meant to keep me in the dark (as the only non SC elder)......left there...had to wait a year to get reappointed since I was not directly appointed this time.... got reappointed...served another 3 years... just recently got deleted...now I can either wait 3 years, get appointed as MS, wait another year, get re re apointed as an elder...or..forget about it...I choose forget about it...

    Then I realized it wasn't necessary to be an elder to do that.

    yep....realized that too.... I still check in on one elderly sister in my old congo...no one else does.....dont have to be an elder to be kind...Jesus was never an elder....hmmmmm

    now, I moved away from that congo...and I dont want to ever be an elder again... threw all my talk outlines away tonight (going to be a bonfire this weekend for 'em)...

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "disillusioned former elder" Sheep Class)

  • RubaDub

    How many ways can I spell "Family"

    Father, Grandfather, Cousins are/were elders.

    Rub a Dub

  • yaddayadda

    I never wanted to be one in reality because of all the responsibility and I'd seen a lot of younger guys burn out, but the prestige aspect really appealed because I'd known a few dweeby elders who managed to get quite hot sisters simply because they had the status of being an elder and could give decent talks. A lot of sisters (the librarian types who were foxes underneath) only seemed interested in organisationally ambitious types.

  • Mysterious

    I always like to rise to the top of whatever I make myself a part of as evidenced in numerous aspects of my internet gaming and real life activities. It always cheesed me off that I was not allowed to be an elder simply because of my gender.

  • Annie Over
    Annie Over

    Show me and Elder Sheep and I'll show you a pen full of goats!

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