
by bigdreaux 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    Yeah, I had a day like that recently - made a simple $600 mistake - hated myself so much but there was nothing I could do about it - I fucked up.

  • serendipity

    ((( bigd)))

    When I have bad days, I ask: will it matter in 2 days, 2 weeks - if the answer is no - then I try not to worry about it. In my job, I just decided to check my ego at the door - everyone makes mistakes. Less stress that way.

  • Gopher


    I think anybody would be lying if they said they never had those rough kind of days.

    It seems that life is like a rollercoaster. You have to experience some lows to earn the good feeling of reaching the highs. It's tough to have the perspective that better days will come, but they do (if you keep plugging away).

    Hope your tomorrow is better.

  • bigdreaux

    i hope this doesn't sound cheesy, but, you guys are awesome. i already feel better. between you and my loving wife, i am much better now. thanks for the support.

  • flipper

    Bigdreaux- We've all had those days , as many have already told you, but hang in there. Tomorrow is another day, the sun will always come up, and you'll have another chance to screw up another day.Just teasing, you'll do great believe me. Just positive thinking is needed, and this always helps me, keep a good sense of humor about other things in life that can buoy up your spirits. I like to laugh at things, helps me cope day to day too. Hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>sometimes you have to give up and say "screw it." Let the day go and try again tomorrow

    Best advice! The beauty of bad days is that they DO eventually end!

    BTW, I screwed up at work quite handily a month or two ago. Raised an issue, had proof the issue existed, got my boss and my team members to get the higher-ups to get it addressed -- and it all turned out to be my fault. The issue didn't exist, it was my bad tests that produced the false "proof", and I got to make myself, my boss, and anyone that knew my name look like an idiot. Good times, good times... (HUGE mistake, but it blew over in a week.)


  • purplesofa

    Its new moon.........my supervisor had the most horrible day. She blamed every screwup on it.

    I have not been affected by it ....YET!!!!


  • return visitor
    return visitor

    I dropped a test lead and blew up a 1,500.00 circuit board today so don't feel so bad. just remember, the only person that doesn't make a mistake is the person who doesn't do anything!!


  • anewme

    Well BigD, I no longer feel worthless----even when I have spent the whole day and done nothing!
    Since I left the Borg I believe each human being is INTRINSICALLY WORTH MUCH AND IS A POTENTIAL TREASURE ON THIS EARTH---ME AND YOU INCLUDED! The JWs taught us our worth was measured in meeting attendance and time in service and number of years in slavery to the cult.
    But that was a mean thing to do to us to brainwash to think like that.

    Give yourself a break. Take a rest from all your self loathing and think kindly of yourself. We have all been through so much with the cult. An bright idea will come to you soon that will get you in motion!

    Put on some happy Irish fiddle music like I am tonight and dont worry so much about things.

  • BlackPearl

    Just figure you're getting it out of the way to allow for better days to come. That's how I look at it.


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