Another news story today on abuse settlements...

by flipper 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • eclipse

    It is interesting that when alive Pat Garza alleged that when a District Overseer in Los Angeles, the Watchtower Society boss Ted Jaracz molested her and other kids in a Satanic, ritual manner, and also that Barbara Anderson has noted that Harry Peloyan of the Writitng Department pointed out Jaracz being anti-reformist regarding child molestation and the accepting of testimony from persons who said they had been molested.

    When I first saw the picture of Ted Jaracz, that was my first thought - he looks like a crazed pedophile to me, (they have a certain look in my opinion). Now we know why the pedos were/are usually protected., and the victims were/are silenced.

  • flipper

    Hello ya 'all, Mr. Flipper here. Actually talked to Bill Bowen on the phone yesterday. I ordered the VHS tape of the Dateline show from 2002, and it hadn't come yet. Anyway, he stated that they are trying to get more high profile news coverage of this on different networks. Radio and TV. I asked about Oprah? and he stated that it wasn't likely as there are two JW's working for her that would prevent them from airing it. He also stated, and some of you may know this, that 200 annointed ones from Russia gave a written declaration of support to the Silent Lambs and what they are trying to accomplish. Too bad the U.S. version of annointed won't jump on board, eh? Also mentioned the Jaracz thing to him about the alleged molestation of Pat Garza by Jaracz. Bowen said," I was at Bethel when that happened and saw her confront him about it outside." So there you have it, it happened. Jaracz walked away, not acknowledging this poor (now deceased) sister. Bastard. Hope someone else honest comes forward to reveal more that he has done. It might be the only way it would shake some of these jdubs to the core to see there leaders were also doing the molesting. Might make them reconsider whether they are chosen by God or NOT!!! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • roflcopter

    Wow Aliso Viejo, CA? I would probably know the abuser... *wonders*

  • Mary
    He also stated, and some of you may know this, that 200 annointed ones from Russia gave a written declaration of support to the Silent Lambs and what they are trying to accomplish.

    Is this factual or rumor? I would think it would be a forgone conclusion that any 'annointed' ones who supported Silent Lambs would quickly join the ranks of the DF'd. Is there any written proof of this?

  • Seeker4

    Some interesting rumors in this thread.

    This line is odd: "It is interesting that when alive Pat Garza alleged that when a District Overseer in Los Angeles, the Watchtower Society boss Ted Jaracz molested her and other kids in a Satanic, ritual manner,...

    It reads that "when Pat Garza was a DO in LA, Ted Jaracz molested her and other kids in a satanic ritual..."
    which completely doesn't make sense. Very few young girl DOs in the WTS, to begin with!!! Also, memories of Satanic ritual abuse virtually scream urban myth. Despite all the well intentioned people who claim to have had this sort of abuse, it has almost universally been shown to be false memories.

    I doubted the stories of SRA from the moment I first heard them. They made no sense. I doubted them even more when while I was still a JW elder, a sister in Massachusetts told me at a convention that some 7 sisters had suddenly "recovered" their memories of SAR. It just simply beyond belief, and I mean that quite literally. There is a complete lack of verifying evidence for SRA except for these very, very shaky recovered memories.


  • Quandry

    It reads that "when Pat Garza was a DO in LA, Ted Jaracz molested her and other kids in a satanic ritual..."
    which completely doesn't make sense. Very few young girl DOs in the WTS, to begin with!!! Also, memories of Satanic ritual abuse virtually scream urban myth. Despite all the well intentioned people who claim to have had this sort of abuse, it has almost universally been shown to be false memories.
    Yes, I don't like rumors either. I remember a woman in a congregation I used to be in claimed that two elders came to her house and molested her. She was about forty-five years old at the time, and was having mental problems.

    I knew one of the men. He is dead now, but he was one of the truly good elders. He was also a heart patient. I felt bad for him that anyone might believe this rumor.

  • neverendingjourney

    Seven thousand lawsuits could potentially cripple them. At the very least, it would have very profound impact on their operations. The settlment amounts and jury verdicts vary greatly depending on how conclusive the facts are and how egregious the behavior was. Jury verdicts in particularly bad cases can go well over a million dollars. If we were to assume that each lawsuit ends up costing the society $100,000 a piece in settlement money and attorneys fees on average, they are looking at having to pay out 700 million dollars. How many buildings will they have to sell to pay that off?

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Do need to see some sort of proof on some of these claims. I know JWs have a pedophile problem because their 2 witness rule encourages it and allows the abusers to get away with it.

    I did have a friend once who won complete custody of her 2 small children because the children claimed they were sexually abused in a satanic ritual by their father. The man openly claimed to belong to a church of Satan. He could only have supervised visits. The oldest child was 5 when the abuse happened.

    I hope they do find a major news source to pick up on the settlements that just took place. With the gag order, though, how much of a story can they make of it? They want to make sure they have viewers.

  • J-ex-W
    With the gag order, though, how much of a story can they make of it?

    The gag order pertains to these specific settled cases only. They can pull in claims of other individuals still. My personal preference would be to see them expand the focus to tie in sexual abuse toward JW wives as well, pointing up how pervasive the problem of sexual abuse among JW's really is.

  • bigdreaux

    even after i left the witnesses, and didn't believe a word they said, and wanted nothing to do with them, i never believed the abuse scandal. it wasn't until a very close very trusted friend told me her account. it was at that point i started to believe.

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