JW Vultures!

by Grammy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grammy

    My 45 year old son committed suicide in May, he was living in Texas, I live in Mississippi, he was raised here and had many family members and friends here so on June 4, I had his obituary run in our local paper...On June 6, I got a letter in the mail from a town 12 miles away, thinking it was from someone who knew him I opened it to find that it was from a JW who I do not know and it contained a typed note along with that damn when someone you love dies tract in it! I was furious at the person who sent it until I thought about how brainwashed they are and how important it is for them to get their time in even if it's done in such a disgusting manner as reading the obituaries and imposing their screwed up beliefs on people like myself who are in pain and grieving the loss of their first born son! I tore it to bits and put it in the trash where it belongs. Sandi aka Grammy

  • purplesofa

    Like ambulance chasing.


  • Junction-Guy

    Im so sorry for your loss. I know you must be going through alot right now, and then that stupid tract, I hope you are able to find some peace in your life.

  • TheCoolerKing

    Typical uncaring, JW tactics!

    So sorry to hear about your loss Grammy...


  • Sunspot


    I am so sorry for your terrible loss! As much as I am known for my deep disgust of the Watchtower Society in general, I am sure that this stupid tract was not meant to offend, but to offer the same "comfort" the JWs think they have found.

    I was baptized in 1972 and left the hideous WTS in 1999, even before they were caught with their britches down in their affair with the UN. I used to srite letters like you received....because I was too ill to climb in and out of cars in field service. I did leave my phone number if anyone had "any questions", but always got the negative reactions on the other end of the phone instead. I couldn't honestly see what upset them...then....but I can certainly see it now.

    Nice to have you on the board....



  • Hortensia

    I'm so sorry about your son. Forget the JWs and take care of yourself. What a sad thing for your poor son and for you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Grammy,

    We grieve with you. Please accept our condolences for your terrible loss.
    As Sunspot said, many of us were the well-intentioned follower of the WT, who truly felt we were helping. Yet, when I actually set out to read that brochure, I was too overcome by its opening words to even continue [mention of a young man's death in an auto accident, I believe].
    I would never offer it to anyone.
    Only now do I understand that good intentions can be meaningless, especially with a message I no longer believe to be God-inspired.

    May you find peace.



  • Quandry


    I am heartbroken to hear of your loss. May his memories comfort you. As many doubts as I do have, I still feel deep in my heart that Jesus did have the power to bring dead ones back to life, died for us all and loves everyone of us. He wants us to live in the future and be with each other.

    Where that will be I no longer pretend to know, but hope that it will happen.

    By the way, although I now live in Texas, I was raised most of my life in Mississippi, also. I was not a witness, then; my husband and I were baptized in 1973, because we did not want to die at Armageddon, which was only a little over a year in the future.

    Hugs to you.....

  • Scully

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I don't suppose the chicken$h!t JW who sent you that stupid tract bothered to put their return address or any other contact information on it. I would have loved to call them up and given them what for.

  • bikerchic


    I'm so sorry for your loss.

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