What is the most "American"

by stillajwexelder 32 Replies latest social entertainment

  • blondie


    We had Chinese visitors

    "What would American food would you like to try first?"

    "Apple pie"

    We had Camerounian visitors

    Same question, same answer

    We had Italian visitors, you guessed it....same with all our out of town visitors

    Then we took them to the Norske Nook...............then it was "let's see how many different pies we can eat before we go home to our country."

    We pick apples in a local orchard designed especially for pies and make home-made, home-baked pies. We eat apple pie for breakfast, lunch, dinner, just pie, and maybel a little Wisconsin cheddar cheese on the side.

  • Hortensia

    foodwise I suppose it is hot dogs, hamburgers, fried chicken, potato salad, any kind of pie, iced tea, real pancakes not those crepey things, maple syrup (that's Canadian too). Otherwise, it's American to have more cars than people at each house, more televisions than people inside the house, and that peculiar lost expression that people have when they are driving AND talking on the cell phone AND eating a burger.

  • Hortensia

    we had visitors from China, they were mostly amazed by the variety, but still wanted chinese food as much as possible. We had visitors from Vladivostok, two of the skinniest people I have ever seen. They went around Claim Jumper restaurant (known for its huge portions) videotaping people's plates to show the folks back home. They also went nuts in the Von's Pavilion store, videotaping the lavish food displays until a security guard got nervous and asked us to leave. They were middle-class Russians, but they said they mostly ate potatoes and soup and cabbage.

  • poppers

    Norske Nook pies - mmmmmmmmmm!!

  • UnConfused

    BBQ - Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Baseball. And I love them all.

  • hillary_step


    My boss just told me "There is something very patriotic and American about cooking hamburgers on a barbeque grill" - so that is what prompted my question. He is just cooking lunch right now

    He is that tedious that you need to escape and post here on this discussion Board while he cooks you dinner? This would never happen in Europe. HS

  • wednesday
    When we went on Interrail (in Europe) a few years back, we experienced that the only ones that would be rude enough to not first ask if we could speak English, where Americans. Everyone else would say "excuse me, do you speak English", and then go on with what was on their mind, but Americans would just assume that everyone around them new the language (and loved to converse

    Recently I have asked 2 different persons if they spoke English and received a sarcastic reply"yes i do!",(thumbing nose to me) So I guess it depends . Of course I'm in the USA, but many persons here do not speak English, and are often offended if I just assume they do

    I think the American tourist gets picked on too much I bet tourists from other countries can be just as annoying

  • lonelysheep


  • monophonic

    [political correctness, serial killers, eating disorders and plastic surgery]

    thank you, the first legit answer here.

    and i'll add media illiteracy to that as well.

    but we do kick ass when it comes to the film industry, music and literature.

  • Clam

    Cadillacs, Thanksgiving, Cowboys, Firearms, Disney, Hollywood, Baseball, Wearing a check shirt and baseball cap?

    There are a lot of things that come to mind. Not entirely relevant maybe but I've had many business dealings with Americans. One thing that has always impressed me is that they see opportunity rather than risk. It's the reverse here. So I suppose the pioneer spirit that built the country is still alive and well.


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