Out of the Family...

by saywhat29 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • saywhat29

    Literally and figuratively...

    If you don't know my story, its the basic "I'm gay and from a family of JWs" and lately it hasn't been going well. I'm still saving up to move out, but that "meeting" I was suppose to have with the elders is scheduled tonight. It was scheduled Tuesday night but I dodged that bitch hard. So it's tonight.. and I don't think I'll be going to the meeting because I'm depressed... which is true just not ALL true.

    But not only because of the meeting. My mom came at me really strong last night and she was just so.. mean and hurtful. I was trying to reason to her to get her to understand- that she's asking me to live alone or get married and have a fucked up marriage, that I didn't ask for the feelings, that I still want my family and that we can all work at this and set up boundaries and I know its hard for her- but she wouldn't hear it.

    She just wanted to tear me apart. For days all I've heard is that "You're not man enough/a real man at all- if only your father had stayed.. I can't even picture something so disgusting...You are going to destroy this family and its worth it to you..for that!" And it goes on and on and whenever I try to explain myself, she either starts compulsively shaking and sobbing or she'll gt downright nasty and mock me. And last night she told me that I will be out of HER family. And I repeated her, and she excalimed. "Yes, MY Family. You will not hurt us. You will not be around us Like That! You you want to be a Gay man you will not be around us at all!"

    So I guess fags don't have families. I'm just waiting for her to say- its like on the tip of her tongue sometimes i just want her to. Like if she said it I could stop caring about her altogether.

    And God, this is not what I expected at all, you know? I expected us not to talk for a few months, for things to be difficult, but she's not even going to try with me. At all. That's all I wanted, for us to try.. we were friends (hell, you know that whole theory about the too close overbearing mother making her son gay? Yeah... not saying its' true but it does make me wonder in my case) And i related to her that if I were out 'in the world' having sex with women and having babies left and right that would be okay, but if I'm gay then that's when I'm out of the family. And she exclaims "That's different!" How, i asked, is it any different when sin is sin? That shows her bias and I was trying to show her how hurtful and wrong it was and she wouldn't hear it, all she could do is look at me with hate and disgust...

    You would think it would be so easy for me to just go out with some friend and have a drink or just chill and blab to them- but she is right. it is different. I'm not 'going out into the world to have all the fun and 'be cool'. And it would be different if I were banging chicks left and right and having babies with every girl in the tristate area. I'm going from being hated by one group into being hated by the majority. Most of my Non-JW friends don't know still and its hard to even tell them sometimes and I just feel so stuck and I'm just tired and feel so alone right now. Fighting back tears and shit. Like suicide doesn't even seem that bad anymore and I can totally relate to just ending it all if I had the balls, if I could do it quick...

    Eh, sorry another whiny post from me, I just had to get that off of my chest 'cause its really heavy.

  • Junction-Guy

    Welcome to the board, While Im not really gay, I have been dealing with some gay issues for awhile. Im sorry you are going through this, but please dont even contemplate suicide.

    Depending on how hardcore a JW your Mom is, there may be one really simple way to get her to change her tune.

  • megsmomma

    ((((((((((((((((Hugs to you)))))))))))))))) Join the crowd of those of us here without families. I am totally shunned by my own mother too....and I think (after 8 years) I am finally to the point of not being upset by it. By the way, I am married and have a 1 year old....I don't do anything "bad" according to them, but it does not matter to them, you are either IN or OUT....so don't let her make you think it is because you are gay.....It is just because you are not conforming to the JW way of life. I know it really hurts, but, try to surround yourself with people who uplift you and cherish you.


  • LeslieV

    I am so sorry that you are being treated in the way that you are. It is especially hurtful from your own mother. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!!!!! Who we love and are attracted to is not a choice. It is like saying I wish my skin color was different. We are who we are.

    If you could maybe you could give your mother the web address for PFLAG. She is acting like this due to fear of what she does not know, or understand. Also, for your mom she is probably feeling like it is her fault in someway. More then likely that is how the "loving brothers" will look at it, and your mom knows it. You are going to have to give her time to even begin to digest what you have said to her.

    In the meantime you have to take care of yourself. Being verbally abused is not healthy for you. Is there a possibility you have some other place to stay while this plays out? It might be emotionally safer for you. Also, if you are in a larger area there are support groups for gay and lesbian youth. I think it would be good to look one up. You need support right not. Just remember you are important, you are ok, I am thinking of you.


  • unique1

    It's not jsut because you are gay. My parents have treated me the same way because I said I didn't want to be a JW anymore. Don't do anything rash. Do you have any friends you can move in with temporarily until you can save enough money? Perhaps you can get an evening job so you can avoid meetings that way and make even more money. Just a thought. There is always the YMCA, no pun intended if things get too bad. But, trust me, the other side is so much better. I too thought of suicide alot when I was younger. I am just such a clutz I figured I would probably fail and be a vegetable for the rest of my life or some such worse fate.

    Just breathe, go out for a walk and calm down.

    Have you tried this site? http://www.gayxjw.org/ Perhaps they could give you advice and relate somewhat better than we can.

  • Crumpet

    You would think it would be so easy for me to just go out with some friend and have a drink or just chill and blab to them- but she is right. it is different. I'm not 'going out into the world to have all the fun and 'be cool'. And it would be different if I were banging chicks left and right and having babies with every girl in the tristate area. I'm going from being hated by one group into being hated by the majority. Most of my Non-JW friends don't know still and its hard to even tell them sometimes and I just feel so stuck and I'm just tired and feel so alone right now. Fighting back tears and shit. Like suicide doesn't even seem that bad anymore and I can totally relate to just ending it all if I had the balls, if I could do it quick...

    Eh, sorry another whiny post from me, I just had to get that off of my chest 'cause its really heavy.

    No you are not hated by the majority for being Gay! What part of the planet are you on dear boy? Gay is revered here - its only a tiny minority of decrepit dinosaurs and homophobes that are anti. At least half of my friends are gay or bisexual. Honestly its a big wide world and if you are living in an area that is particularly anti gay then move - I would suggest moving anyway to get away from that toxic mother of yours. You have done your best with her - now its time to go and live your life and enjoy it. Please don't be subsumed by such negativity. Vent all you like here and anytime you want to talk or vent please feel free to PM me.

  • ex-nj-jw


    First and foremost Love Yourself!!!! I firmly believe that being gay is not a choice, so for someone to tell you to be a man is wrong. Let go of the JW language, what does being in the world really mean? Banging every one you see, no matter what the situation is, is risky behavior!! I have 3 sons and if one of them were gay, I would still love him. It may not be the lifestlye I would choose for my son but I love my children unconditionally and I want them to be happy. Unconditional love allows you accept people for who they are, I still love my parents and siblings even if they are in a cult, I wish they weren't but that is their choice. And if it's what makes them happy, then so be it!

    Please do not even consider suicide!!! Do you have a support group in your area? How old are you? Can you support yourself??

    I can understand the hurt you must feel, for a mother to disown her child is something I could never understand. Please, Please find someone in your area to sit and talk to in person, and see if you can get some assistance so you can get out from under your mom. You need some space to say the least!!!

    ((((((((((((((((saywhat))))))))))))))) If you want to talk PM me your number and I'll call you, anytime day or night, I mean it!!


  • saywhat29

    Wow, didn't expect responses that fast. Thanks for your comments.

    Junction-Guy, my mother is a hardcore JW. She always had a difficult life with my grandmother being systematically abused by my grandfather and having low self-esteem. In her mind, there is no other way to live and has made comments and I believe them that "I would rather die than go back out into that world."

    So, she's pretty hardcore. LOL! And its not that she's the self-righteous, always out in field service and making comments about who is spiritual and who isnot type, its just that there has not even been anything supportive and uplifting in her life BUT the WTBS. It's really all she has as she is in an unfulfilling marriage, a career that is going nowhere, and without supporting, uplifting friends.

    Thanks megsmomma for the hug, but I can't help but wonder if its just a thing with the type of sin. I've seen it in many of congregations, that depending on who you are (elders kid, compared to newly baptised person and what you did) how you are treated. And I've seen a many of kids of witnesses who wandered away from Da Troof and come back sporadically and are treated as if they never left, and that 'their hearts have just grown cold to Jehovah, but he/she'll come around!!11one" But you do make a good point, I don't know 'cause I'm not in their shoes... and they might just be there to make sure grandma and grandpa babysits later on...

    LeslieV, I try to educate her, hel I even give her some of the most anti-gay bigoted information as its easier to swalow at first than thet "We're here and queer so get used to it" type stuff I reads, but she still goes on that its worldy and wants people to accept that lifestyle and on and on. Trust me, I have tried but unless its coming from a Watchtower on the gay front, she won't read it or even listen.

    You know unique1, my friends all live at home with their parents since we're al in our early 20s and no one has moved out.. without coming back home so I don't feel comfortable moving in with them since its not their place you'know? I know- I need some more independent friends w/ money... people who aren't me I guess. Plus the only reason I haven't gotten a job during meetings times is because I feel like I would have gotten tossed out on my ass for doing something like that ontop of the gay stuff... However, i' might as wel since she expressed that I had to "Do something now" meaning get the fuck out. its coming and I am preparing as much as I can and I might just have to take a nap in the YMCA for a few nights.

    Crumpet, I don't wanna say where I'm at as I worry about who reads these boards (paranoid as hell) but Its a small city that is not as gay-affirming. Thanks for your comments, its just so hard because I never prepared for letting go entirely. Maybe a few years but forever? even in my head I picture her sometime down the road larning to accept me and set up boundaries of where we can go and not go in our relationship but.. she doesn't even want to do that and its finally hitting me. I've been on this board lurking for a while and I would read all of your comments but your amilies mistreating you and I "knew" that mine couldn't do that- not forever at least. Cause they love me and since I'm slow as hell I couldn't pick up that I am like the rest of you- i'm about to lose my family forever and its just kicking my in the face.. and in the stomach. Honestly, i don't know how you all do it.

  • Junction-Guy

    Ok, I will give you something to ponder. She seems very anti-gay, even more than the typical JW. Here is something simple you can tell her "Mom, just look at it this way, at least Im not Apostate", once you tell her that, she may just soften up a little. Every congregation I know of has at least one gay person, they just try to hide it.

    Since your Mom is very anti-gay, Im not even sure she would turn you into the Elders. Why? Well because she would be too embarassed to tell anyone, In her mind that would reflect badly on her.

    There is a way you can kinda get out of this situation. Your Mom may even help you in this plan. Sounds interesting huh?

  • saywhat29

    ex-nj-jw, thanksfor your comment.

    I think you hit it on the nail with the love yourself thing. Honestly, I have this fear whereas if its just me, there will be nobody to love me like my family 'cause I still have a hardtime acepting myself as gay. Like even when im arguing with her I cant even use the word and that's how she wins because she knows I don't want to be but knows that I am. and she is alloed to hate that part of me because a largepart of me still can't accept it at times. Sometimes i don't care- when i'm with my friends who know its ot even a big deal at all. is not even an issue. But when I'm not, I'm back into this internalized-homophbic mindstate thats hard to shake even when I wan to. Even when i wanna scream it to the mountain, its like the knot in my stomch that keeps my mouth shut. And about unconditional love, sometimes its hard for me to understand that my parents love isn't that.. like its finally hitting me that its love with a price that I can't even afford.

    Its just hard to systematically stop hating yourself for something is all when you've been doing it a loong time. Especialy is hard when others jump in and add to it when you try and stop.

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