JC is over... now the aftermath

by drew sagan 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Congrats on the Big 2K.

    Sounds like probably won't have to even think about Big Brother looking over your shoulder any more.

    Hope your in-laws will see some light as well.

    Just wondering, if you're up to sharing this, how did it feel being in there? Did the Big Bad JC have any emotional juice left with you or was it totally empty and powerless?

    Open Mind

    (of the, looked behind the curtain, class)

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    My thinking for disassociation was that we would leave on the basis that they lied to us and our family and to leave doctrine totally out of it. Our terms not theirs. I want them to know that the first and foremost reason for our departure is their lies and tricks and not because of any 'vendetta' i have against the WTS.

    Don't worry, I plan on having elder-b come over my house to pick up a letter for the elders as well as one for himself. To his face I would like to tell him that he more than anybody else crushed my faith that their was any goodness in the Watchtower. His only argument was that the WTS has good fruits. I plan on telling him that the fruits I have seen are those of trickery, betrayal, and dishonesty. All through his own actions. He proved to me their fruits are rotten.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Congrats on the 2000 posts!!!

    I'm not at all suprised about the way the JC went!


  • 95stormfront

    what happpened in this case is the main reason why if I saw a JW elder on fire, I wouldn't even walk across the street to piss on them. They played their good cop bad cop roles true to form......I wouldn't trust any of them. If they ever came after me, they'd be forced to DF me in absentia. The last time they were in my home, they were stymied as I refused to allow them the privilege of dealing with me from a position of strength.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    I wonder what elder B is going to do with his 30 pieces of silver this weekend

    I'm going to remember that one. May be able to use it very shortly. I'm sorry for what you are going through, Drew. I will tell you that your post is helping me get through a very difficult situation right now. Won't go into any detail right now as it hurts too much. When I'm ready, I will tell you the story of Bonnie and Clyde.

  • Frank75


    Good for you playing your cards out the way that you did, sorry for any pain you had to endure because of it.

    If you had listened to those of us who said not to go, you may have always held a lingering doubt about what "could have" happened had you gone.

    This way you add to the mountain of proof that is building up about this evil publishing empire that holds so many good people captive.

    Enjoy your freedom!


    I like your exit strategy as well. Any letter to WT society or the elders will find its way to where all the others are, filed away out of sight.

    Consider explaining simple details of how you were treated and sending those letters to everyone BUT the elders. They will have a copy soon enough. Addressing the letter to "The ______ Congregation is a nice touch as well!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    hey played their good cop bad cop roles true to form

    This eventually happened, but I think most of his deception came from actually telling me and my in-laws something that he actually felt but eventually once he realized he could not comply with his real feelings the compassionate position taken was gone. Good cop bad copy implies that the game was going on the entire time which I do not believe to be true until the very end.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    I'm glad that some on the board have been helped, including yourself. Thanks for sharing.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    First - congrats on your 2000 posts!

    Second - I guess things went as expected.

    To his face I would like to tell him that he more than anybody else crushed my faith that their was any goodness in the Watchtower. His only argument was that the WTS has good fruits. I plan on telling him that the fruits I have seen are those of trickery, betrayal, and dishonesty. All through his own actions. He proved to me their fruits are rotten.

    I hope this will make him think about loyalty and friendship. Does he want to give his loyalty to an organization full of trickery, betrayal and dishonesty? He had your trust, and he threw it away for what??


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    He had your trust, and he threw it away for what?

    Excellent point, and I'll plan on putting that in with what I tell him. He already had what they thought they had lost, and then he threw it away just to look tough in front of the other elders (and probably to help with his own doubts).

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