The Secret

by Mrs Smith 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    Here's a secret, people: fulfilling all your desires will still leave you searching for "something more". And here's an even greater secret: What you are looking for in following the principles of The Secret is yours already - You ARE what you are looking for.

  • nvrgnbk
    You ARE what you are looking for.

    Thank you poppers!

    Your insights are helpful to so many. Thank you for giving so generously.

  • bikerchic

    The Secret is new packaging for some old principles that Norman Vincent Peale popularized back in the 50's with The Power of Positive Thinking.

    The author of the Secret Ronda Byrne has taken this old principal a few steps further to include words from men who lived long ago and correlated them all together to make is seem as if they had passed this concept down through time as if through some secret society which as intriguing as it may seem it's just the same old positive thinking with a new slant that being one of appealing to her audiences sense of greed.

    The way it was filmed reminded me of the DaVinci Code as if the intent was to make it seem mysterious. There is no mystery to it. The people who spoke in the film also are all into their own businesses and they are more than willing to get you to buy into what they are selling which for the most part is the money draining life coaching scheme.

    I think the message is good but the presentation sucks because from what I've seen on other web sites people are all about learning how to manifest the good life and are seeing it as a way to become rich. They don't seem to get the point that it comes from within it's not something you obtain.

    Do I think many people will get something out of this which will enrich their lives, yes everyone can benefit from having a more positive attitude and I do feel that we absolutely attract to us what we put out. As far as the Law of Attraction, it does make you stop and think and reconsider ways in which you could be sabotaging your life. Other than that I think it's a lot of hype or much ado about nothing, but then maybe it's because I've been there done that and am a bit jaded about what the movie is selling and that a lot of people don't have enough sense to know when they are being scammed and will plunk down a lot of money to some life coach who says he can help them get rich. Bunk!

    Oh and BTW these are the same people who were involved in What the Bleep Do We Know......? And for a real trip and twist to the whole Secret you've got to check out the whole Abraham/Hicks connection, ha what a fiasco! They broke their ties with The Secret to be able to capitalize on their own endeavors. Just google Abraham/Hicks and I'm sure your cultdar will bring goose bumps on the back of your neck. Can you say channeling?

    Bottom line is you've got to have some common sense and you can figure out all this positive thinking stuff yourself you don't need a cult to show you how, or do you? LOL

  • nvrgnbk

    Bottom line is you've got to have some common sense and you can figure out all this positive thinking stuff yourself you don't need a cult to show you how, or do you? LOL

    Nicely put bikerchic!

  • steve2

    It's a clever marketing strategy geared towards the quick-get-the-point mentality of multi-taskers. I tried to listen to the team behind The Secret when they appeared on the Oprah Show. When they could get a word in - that is when Oprah shut her mouth for a few seconds to let them speak! - they seemed to state the obvious. Calling it "The Secret" speaks to the human need to be caught up in something intriguing, special and (fanfare please,) "secretive". In my opinion, it's basic, sensible information wrapped up in too much jargon. But, hey, if people find meaning in it, if it gets them interested in life, why not? They could do worse, I suppose.

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