Ganache, truffles, Wine? Anybody got a kiss for me?

by Sparkplug 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Mrs Smith, I so wish my mom had taught me these, But I do have to be grateful that she turned me loose in the kitchen and taught me the basics. She was really good about letting us kids get creative.

    AA~ funny

    Delilah~ They were easy, let me know how your turn out! They were really easy, I just had to be patient with them and for me that gets When I got feedback on them today, my daughter just beamed! It was good!

    Renee~ Please Do, That would be really neat, I am flattered!

    Open Mind~ Yum! Yum again!!

    Mis~ Thanks again

  • juni

    OMG that looks good. What beautiful pictures!! Right out of Martha Stewart Living......Decki you should go professional - get together a portfolio. You do beautiful work!!

    Now. Which is better? SEX OR CHOCOLATE? According to fullofdoubt's (Linda's) thread of this morning, British women choose chocolate hands down. Of course the men don't. LOL Why is that not surprising.

    Juni who loves both, but only gets chocolate.....

    Here's my kiss for ya Isn't that special? heee heeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Sparkplug

    Now. Which is better? SEX OR CHOCOLATE? According to fullofdoubt's (Linda's) thread of this morning, British women choose chocolate hands down. Of course the men don't. LOL Why is that not surprising.

    Oh Juni~ One should always lead to the other. lol

    Thanks for the compliment. I wish I had her money right?

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