Oh lordy lord read this its hilarious

by bboyneko 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    Ok so I was breakdancing at this event called IN THE STREETS in Frederick maryland, if you want to see pics go to my website www.bboyneko.com and go to the EVENTS section

    .. http://www.bboyneko.com

    anyway, its a small town we affectionatly nick named fREDNECK and so there are many bible-thumpers..i received a series of llittle comic book pamphlets that I loved! They were very well drawn and funny..i will now repost them for you with some commentary :) Enjoy...

    (we also at that event met a very talented 45 year old breakdancing priest but thats another story)

    The cover (almost life-size)

    He sure looks hip don't he..i bet he gets all the ladies

    Poor guy..what killeed him? Maybe he swatted himself on his chest too hard


    I hope when I get ressurected Im not forcibly removed from my clothes


    This is like that romantic scene in SUPERMAN but not as romantic

    what? no magazine to read?


    hmm..so far dosent sound like the compassionate jesus you read about in the gospels..well except for that nasty name-calling to gentiles but we'll let that slide

    I hope this dosent mean god judges babies...then again he judged them worthy of death and ordered babies killed several times, such as in the flood or in 1 samuel 15.




    Most people would have compassion on the poor man who is guilty of such evil vile things as looking at a pretty woman, telling a dirty joke, being bored, and being a baby, of course...but god isnt people..nope his judgement and mercy are perfect.....


    Well..i guess this guy wasn't worthy of even a smidgen of mercy huh..i guess in his ENTIRE life he didn't do ONE thing good..everything he did was bad huh?

    Bye bye sinner..remember this guy DID look at a pretty woman after all..he deserves to have a punishement worse than we as a civilized society would deal out to even the worst serial killer..eternal torture of a sentient being


    that priest is thinking..."if only he were about 6 years old...what i would do to him..


    Youd think he learned his lesson before about hitting himself on the chest

    c'mon everbuddy! lets go accept jeezus into our lifes!

  • Yerusalyim


    Welcome to the World according to Jack Chick. This guys a bigger hate mongerer than even the WTS. He's not done as much damage, but his message of hate is every bit as vile. On a side note, I found your comment about the priest a bit offensive. Priests are no more prone to child sexual assault than are any other people, they just get worse press due to the Catholic celibacy deal.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • AMarie


    Bwahahahaha. LMAO Love the commentary


  • bboyneko

    I'd disagree with you on the point about priests:

    Current estimates of Roman Catholic priests in the U.S.= 49,000 to 50,000

    Estimates of pedophile priests = 3,000 (6.1%) to 8,000 (16.3%)

    188 Dioceses in the U.S. Divide 3,000 by 188 = 16 perpetrators per diocese
    Divide 8,000 by 188 = 42 perpetrators per diocese

    Current experts claim a pedophile could abuse 200-265 children in a lifetime.
    200 x 16 perps/diocese = 3,200 victims/diocese
    200 x 42 perps/diocese = 8,400 victims/diocese
    3,200 victims/diocese x 188 dioceses = 601,600 victims in U.S.
    8,400 victims/diocese x 188 dioceses = 1,579,200 victims in U.S.

    Average American family consists of 4-6 people
    (3,200 victims/diocese) 601,600 victims x 4 family members = 2,406,400 indirect victims
    60l,000 victims x 6 family members = 3,609,600 indirect victims
    (8,400 victims/diocese) 1,579,200 x 4 family members = 6,316,800 indirect victims
    1,579,200 x 6 family members = 9,475,200 indirect victims

    These numbers are a reflection of immediate family only and do not reflect the indirect victims within the parishes that are affected.

    188 Bishops are responsible for the pain of at least 601,600 direct victims and as many as 9,475,200 indirect victims — a total of as many as 10,076,800 people. Clearly, something is wrong.

  • Yerusalyim

    Upon what are these estimates based? Conjecture? Even if the numbers are anywhere close to what you say (which I doubt) then that still leaves the overwhelming vast majority of priests who are innocent.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • nytelecom1

    one time while playing chess..someone pissed me off so
    i shoved the Bishop up his ass....does that count?

  • LDH

    I knew after two frames this was from a Chick Tract. LOL.

    Good one, BBoy.

    PS--on the priest/sex thing; IMHO anytime you deny a person freedom of normal, healthy sexual expression, they turn into a pervert in some way shape or form. They become the biggest freaks of all.

  • roybatty

    Hey that Grim Reaper looks pretty cool. Bet he'd be wild at a Halloween party.

  • Eyebrow

    When I was a waitress in high school, a few local holy rollers would leave these little comic books instead of a tip.

  • ashitaka

    Holy crap, what tripe. Good for a laugh, though.

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