Why not baptize at the kingdom hall?

by Mysterious 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    Lots of churches baptize those willing right at the church why do you think the JWs don't do the same? Would it be too "discouraging" in congregations where there were no new ones baptized for a long time. Maybe they are trying for a bandwagon effect?

  • looking_glass

    They use to, at least for the KH that they built. There was one in Zion, IL years ago that had a pool in the platform and in the olden days people were bapt'd there. When they built their new hall, they took that feature out.

  • JeffT

    It might raise too many questions. The Biblical example is Phillip and the Etheopian Eunich. They talked for a bit the eunich wanted to get baptized and Phillip dunked him. No six month program etc. Our church has a baptismal pool as part of the stage. One night after evangelical work one of the teams brought back a guy that wanted to baptized, so we took him into the sanctuary for a swim. If that could happen at a KH, they'd have to explain the need for a the indoctrination sessions long bible study time.

  • looking_glass

    JeffT - do they encourage long study times. I remember when I was little they use to say that once a study finished the Truth book that they were ready for bapt'zm. After they did away w/ the Truth book they replaced it w/ the Paradise book and said that after they finished the Paradise book and one other book they were ready. Then it became the whole they should be ready in 3 to 6 months. It all depended on how soon the end was near. If they really thought it was close then people should be dunked regardless of their beliefs, if they let you in the door they were sheep-like. But then they had congos of people who had no clue what religion they were in and people were breaking the rules left and right. So I think they slowed the process down. But I have been out for so long now, I have no clue if they are of the one book or 6 month rule.

  • R.F.

    I've pondered this question for a long time. I think that it has to do with ading to the illusion of "Jehovah's Organization growing". We all know how everyone is so excited and encouraged when we see many getting baptized at the DCs. That is the topic of many JW conversations...."oh we had 70 baptized", "but we had 90 baptized!!". Imagine taking that experience away from them by baptizing at the Kingdom Hall. All about illusion.

  • Gopher

    The hall I attended while a child -- Golden Valley, Minnesota -- had a baptismal pool for a while. It was used from 1959 to the mid-70's. They had the circuit assembly at the old armory hall in downtown, then the baptismal candidates and their friends would take the 6 mile drive out to Golden Valley, crowd into the downstairs area and have the baptism.

    It was crowded, and eventually the assemblies got moved out to high schools way out from Minneapolis, so it was more practical to have the baptism at the high school pool (or the junior high school pool, or sometimes a motel pool).

    The baptism pool in that hall was filled in sometime in the late 1970's.

    Most Kingdom Halls are built for economy and don't have room for baptism pools.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They used to baptize outside. I remembere the last one of those around here in 1977. It was on a farm in the country.

    They also were much less pickier about who was baptized many years ago, before my time. Now it is a majorly controlled thing.

    It is like signing your life away now for good. They assume control.

  • Jim_TX

    The kingdom hall I first attended as a youngster had a 'pool' behind the stage. When they remodeled the hall - the pool went away.

    My memory is getting old, but if I recall correctly... the reason they got it out of there was... high maintenance, low usage.

    They had to have a water heater nearby to heat the water, just for the pool. Also - they had to make sure that it had no leaks prior to using it.

    I remember that they used it for one circuit assembly held locally. Everyone from the downtown assy location had to be driven to the kh and get dunked.


    Jim TX

  • zack

    If they really followed the scriptures, any JW could baptize a convert at any time. Matt.28:19,20 says to makes disciples, baptizing them...... No JW baptizes any one else....It is all WTS choreographed. Jehovah is a God of order, after all. Only took 2000 years for Him to get baptism just right.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just my opinion, but the real reason they baptize at assemblies and conventions is so that
    there is another reason to go to assemblies and conventions. In their heyday, virtually
    everybody knew someone who was getting baptized, so the JW's in the circuit would
    feel obligated to go to the big dip. Now, it would be easy to blow off saturday at the
    three day convention. They keep that reason. One-day assemblies could be a total
    bore without this reason, and who needs two-day assemblies?

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