The printing presses of the WTS stopped working...could they really preach?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    no, no, and..... NO!

  • blondie

    We tend to forget countries where jws are literature gets in, all they have is what is in their libraries. I remember stories about lit being smuggled in and hand copied. In Mexico for years they preached door to door just with the bible any bible because of the property laws.

    You underestimate the WTS...of course, they would be more concerned about not getting any funds from those areas.


  • DJK
    We tend to forget countries where jws are literature gets in, all they have is what is in their libraries. I remember stories about lit being smuggled in and hand copied. In Mexico for years they preached door to door just with the bible any bible because of the property laws.

    Blondie is correct. I remember stories from WWII where the literature was read and reread. They continued to study and preach.

  • Elsewhere
    I remember stories about lit being smuggled in and hand copied. In Mexico for years they preached door to door just with the bible any bible because of the property laws.

    You have to remember that these people were emboldened and energized by the effects of a "persecution complex". It is one thing to be emboldened by a ban, it's another thing to receive a letter from the WTS saying that you MUST start hand copying literature. I suspect JWs will be exacerbated by the latter.

  • LongHairGal

    If they had to preach just using the bible that might cause problems. It has been said that those that just read the bible never become a JW. So, those JWs who JUST read the bible might find themselves seeing the inconsistencies. Well, we all know where that will lead.


  • theMartian

    LOLOLO! RR, you're an Idiot!

    That wouldn't stop us; after all, we are the ONLY ones doing it, except for a few Mormons on their little bicycles....



  • blondie

    In the past the WTS had outside printing firms do their work. Also, the WTS may neglect humans but not the printing presses. Notice, if a Bethel brother had a job maintaining the machines or working on the presses and he had to miss a meeting or many meetings, he would miss the meetings and the other elders would have to take up the slack.

    The biggest problem would be if there wasn't the persecution factor and the WTS' cash flow dropped to the point they could not maintain their presses: that might slow them down.

    You can tell how old I must be and that I have lived outside the US and in areas where jws were banned or restricted.

    I remember one Saturday the book study conductor had us "preach" as though we were under ban using subterfuge techniques. Everyone loved it but he got raked over the coals by the other elders.


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