The printing presses of the WTS stopped working...could they really preach?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    We know that the whole objective of the preaching work is to place( sell ) magazines and books. The labor is free from the warehouse to the distribution at the door. They preach today's bad news and topics from the Bible. But, when they finish some printed material is always introduced. If the printing of reading material stopped,what would the preaching sound like? Aren't they really lost without them offering reading material? Do they really know anything besides introductions?

  • stillajwexelder

    Very very few are trained to use just the bible - so it would take HUGE adjustment for many JWs

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I think most publishers have tons of old magazines hanging around the house. That might last for a while. When they run out they will get a presentation they will study and memorize from the Kingdom Ministry, which will include the usual scriptures to start Bible Studies or invite people to the Kingdom Hall. At the KH, they could cry poor and get contributions in the special box marked "Special Contributions for Kingdom Work", or some similar label.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They would improvise with a 'canned' presentation , no can't call it that since there is nothing to present.

    Their little fantasy world would soon disipate if they got into 'real' Bible discussions at the door - so the Society could not let that happen.

    I expect we would see this again;

    They dare not let the Jw's speak and interreact with people - the fragile minds could not handle it. They would soon begin to listen too - and that would be disasterous.


  • jeeprube

    No, they could not. The average JW is incapable of self-thought!

  • Spectre

    It is quite the crutch, eh?

  • moshe

    I don't think the JW's would like having just a Bible to preach with.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Probably they could without magazines or ligature all they need to do is press play and start that cassette that got inserted in the back of their heads and all the rehearsed preaching would

    immediately start.........unless of course the cassette jammed

  • Elsewhere


  • mkr32208

    Maybe they could start selling AMWAY? At least they could make a bit of money for themselves!

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