by Terry 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Didn't those moon creatures visit Boston earlier this year. (I'd post the pic that I have of them, but the mooninite is flipping the bird in the pic and don't want the mod's to remove it).

  • Terry
    I wonder what I would have done back then had I had access to all of this information. There was no internet back then and the only anti-JW material available was mostly in the possession of “nutty” religious types. I wouldn’t have accepted anything from those guys. Nor did I ever have the curiosity to enter into a religious bookstore to research my beliefs.

    The well-fed man is never hungry.

    Curiousity is a kind of intellectual hunger.

    JW's are kept so busy.....!

    I think I would have been intellectually dishonest had I been shown every detail and confronted with the origins of my beliefs.

    Why? I think being "satisfied" is the essential element.

    It is like being in love and contented and having somebody tell you your love is fat and ugly. Other opinions just don't matter!

    Only now can we see it was all true and have it MATTER.

  • neverendingjourney

    The well-fed man is never hungry.

    Curiousity is a kind of intellectual hunger.

    JW's are kept so busy.....!

    Excellent point. It's impossible to say what I would have done had I had access to this information when I was beginning to embrace the JW faith. I was looking for a sense of purpose and direction in life. The JWs provided that. Would I have made excuses and put up mental barriers at the time? Perhaps. It's too late now. I'm just glad that I saw the light early enough before getting married and starting a family inside the cult.

  • Terry
    I'm just glad that I saw the light early enough before getting married and starting a family inside the cult.

    Let's face it; some people are just more sane than others!

  • zack

    Thanks for the thread and the info.

    I never went online until after Pioneer Service School. It was there that such focus was put on the WTS that I found it both frightening and unbelievable.

    When my CO said to the class: Nathan Knorr was elected President of the Society at 37. Can you imagine that? Being appointed over all Christ's interests on the whole planet at only 37! Can you imagine?

    For the first time, I could not imagine it. It was steady downhill from there. (Downhill to Freedom)

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