What do you do to fill the void?

by R.F. 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    As soon as I decided to quit being a JW, I researched celebrating holidays and birthdays! At first I felt funny about it, but I read more about it from some websites and they made valid points. After I read Crisis of Conscience, I decided Brooklyn didn't have the right to tell anyone what to do or not to do. Planning for celebrations filled a void I felt for a long time from being left out and watching everyone else have fun. I tried to make myself hate all the pagan celebrations, but secretly I wished I could be a part of it. Christmas is my favorite! I hadn't celebrated since I was 10 years old. I love celebrating birthdays because everyone should have a special, happy day.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for the invite Mr. Flipper! I'm gonna make that happen one day.

    I try to take my son to as many rock concerts as possible. They are tons of fun. You meet all kinds of cool people of all ages.

    They are not all Satan worshippers, as the WT would have you believe. But Satan worshippers can be cool too.

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Who is Satan by the way?

  • purplesofa

    Read the back history of posters from JWD!

    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.


  • Crumpet

    Lol Purps! Glad you are enjoying the little trip down others memory lane!

    Thank you, Crumpet. You flatter me too much. My approach to life is far from perfect. I mostly bumble through it all, hit or miss. If there is any intrepidness about me, it is the result of bitter experience, probably not innate intelligence.

    "Intrepid"? Ha ha! Are you sure you did not mean "insipid"? Maybe one day we can meet, and you'll see how empty my glass really is?! If you're ever in North Carolina, give me a PM!

    I hope you do not get lost analyzing the emptiness, Crumpet. I'm sure you won't! Judging from your posts, you seem to have filled your life with meaning and joy. Hope you continue to do so!

    Thank you Madame Q - and you are very far from insipid. I'd love to make it to NC one day and I can assure you that with me around no -one's glass stays empty for long!

    I, like you, just try to do the best with the meagre resources i have and frankly I had so little as a kid it takes very little to make me laugh, smile or be happy for a moment or two. Not to say I am always happy - if I go very quiet that usually means I'm trying to turn a sadness around into something else.

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