dating sites; yay or nay?

by tim hooper 42 Replies latest social relationships

  • ninja

    I tried online dating and met a girl called "treasure"...I thought to myself "she sounds precious" turns out she had a sunken chest

  • juni

    OMG ninja! You are on a roll today. Every post you make you're making me laugh. That is good!



  • greendawn

    I never tried them but in what way do they differ from off line dating services? The best way is to join one of the many social network such as my space and get to know (and be known by) some people before eventually trying to gradually make a move.

    Dating services lead to contacts that to my opinion are rather abrupt and unnatural though they say they try to computer match people.

  • Xena

    It's another venue for meeting someone and can have good or bad results just like any other way of meeting people. Be yourself, be honest and keep an eye out for the same kind of red flags you would look for in any other dating situation.

    Oh and remember you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a uumm princess.

  • looking_glass

    I have a couple of GFs who have met men that they have ultimately married. I have only tried it once and was not greatly impressed. I like the old fashion way. It appears to me that you have to be willing to go on a lot of dates to finally find that one person that is a good fit. But for my GFs, I really like their husbands and they are really great women, so I do think it is possible to meet someone thru on-line dating sites.

  • Jim_TX

    I vote 'Yay' - as that's how I found my current wife.

    There are a few things that you have to be careful about though... there are some really scary people out there. *shudder*

    I only set up meetings at a local coffee shop - where there are lots of people around - where you can scream for help - if she gets too aggressive... *weak grin*

    Xena is correct. You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince - or princess.

    I remember that I went on a lot of 'first' meetings - many of which didn't materialize into 'second' meetings. Some never went beyond two meetings.

    Keep in mind what you are looking for. You can narrow it down real quick. (I.E. non-smoker cuts through about 90% of the choices out there.)

    Also keep in mind that there are a lot of 'false' ads on the dating sites. I was told this by someone who claimed to be in the know. I didn't believe it at first - until I started realizing that many seem to be on there perpetually.

    There are a lot who are only looking for a 'one-night-stand'. (Believe it or not - gals are guilty of this - as much as guys.)

    So - just be careful... be yourself... you'll do fine.

    Good Luck.

    Jim TX

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper
    Oh and remember you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a uumm princess.

    Here, froggy froggy.............

    Thanks for all the responses so far, everyone!

    Please keep it coming.


  • bigdreaux

    jim, you say women looking for one night stands like that's a bad thing. lol hopefully, they are finally coming around to our way of thinking. lol

  • flipper

    Tim, I had some bad dating experiences with "user" type women until I tried February of 2006 I met my soulmate and we have been together since. We married in Oct. 2006 and have never been happier. E-harmony is different from other sites because before joining you have to answer multiple choice questions involving your view of emotional issues, mental, moral, social, and any other thing you thought was important, and then some. Then they match you up with women that have answered similarly, so you know you are getting someone who has similar values as you, provided they answer the questions honestly. But if they don't, they're just hurting themselves, so why would they do it, if they weren't honest? So give it a try, it worked for Mrs. Flipper and me. We are as happy as we can be. Worth a shot. Sincerely, Flipper and wife.

  • looking_glass

    Actually e-harmony was the one site I tried. I did not like the experience. I later found out the that guy who formed it is uber religious and is anti-gay. Of the GFs that I mentioned, they found their mates on Match.

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