hypnosys experience?

by Hermano 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Hermano

    Hello everyone, long time lurker, first post.

    Can you share your experiences with hypnosis? Beyond the yes it worked for me or no it did not work for me, what I am looking for especifically is whether or not it opened you up for demon attacks or demonic activity. I know a lot of what the Watchtower says is crap, but I am not sure that everything they say is crap. Has anyone here undergone hypnosis on a regular basis, and if so did you find any strange things ocurring to you?

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    One time I was at a friends house and we were terribly stoned. I do believe, in that state of mind, I was over come by the power of suggestion and went back to my birth in my minds eye.

    It was a pretty good evening. I'd recommend it to anyone.

    edited to add:

    Awwwww Crap! Where are my manners? Welcome to the forum.

  • Hermano

    Thanks Darth. It sounds like your experience was fun. Have you had any scary "trips" while stoned? Ever feel like maybe you were in contact with beings from another realm?

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I experimented with hypnosis for a while, it didn't do anything for me that just calm meditation couldn't have done.

    Once during a guided imagry session. In my mind I was suddenly startled by a shadowy figure jumping out at me. It made me physically junp. But then I saw that it was just a shadow puppet, no substance at all. A moment later i realized it was a demon, and I have never feared demons since.

    Demons are no more real then Zeus, or Neptune. That's all demons are, a figment of a shadow in your mind, no substance at all.

    People use to blame demons for all kinds of medical conditions, fortunately we are mostly out of the dark ages in that area. But they are still being blamed for some medical conditions (like "waking dreams") and they are still being used to make people afraid and to control people.

    It's still all about control.

  • Hermano

    Thanks aSphere. I wish I were as sure as you about demons being a fragment of the imagination.... There seems to be some sort of correlation between hypnosis and hypnogogia, hypnopimpia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogia), out of body experiences, UFO experiences, etc.

    Also, and I hate to sound like I just read this in a Watchtower mag, if there is a God then there can be a devil. If there are angels then there can be demons....

  • aquagirl

    ive tried hypnosis a few times,tpo no avail..just does not work on some people i guess..i think the dubs are against it because it leaves your mind unguarded and vulnerable to,,um,,you know,.satan...

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    Thanks Darth. It sounds like your experience was fun. Have you had any scary "trips" while stoned? Ever feel like maybe you were in contact with beings from another realm?

    Oh yeah. I've had some scary trips. However, I was never worried about demons or little green beings from other worlds. My scary experiences involved real life situations, law enforcement, and paranoia.

  • Hermano

    Aquagirl, when you say it did not work for you, do you mean it did not cure you of your ailment, or where you not able to get hypnotized?

  • Missanna

    First of all WELCOME! and second i have never experienced hypnosys i've researched it some because i was interested in the idea of it for a while but no experience but i do believe in demons. Once when i was really young my sister was at home alone when my brothers keyboard started playing a song on it by itself. i know it sounds silly but my sister was so tramatized by it and i believe it was demons messing with her.

  • Satanus

    I went for a few hypnosis sessions for therapy. W one guy, they didn't work. W another one, they worked a bit. I may have gotten in touch w my dead grandma. No demons, though. Now, it's sort of like my gramma is there, if i focus on her. It's no big thing, though. The wt is cackling like chicken little. S

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