Devil and The Deep Blue Sea?

by sweet pea 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    How do you view your friends who are still witnesses - do you look at them and wonder how you can get them out or do you think that many are best off staying where they are. I find myself constantly wondering whether they would prefer to be where Besty and I are now or whether they would be so traumatized by leaving when they have such a large family/network of JWs that there is no point in even trying to help them to see the truth about "the truth". Some seem genuinely very happy to be a witness (even though its obvious that its all a struggle). Thoughts?

  • DJK

    My thoughts, to each his own!

  • bernadette

    I just keep on hoping that one day they will see the light. with regard to family I'm working towards accepting things as they are more. I try and keep aware in case there has been a change of heart. But it isn't easy. I do drop a hint every now and then, but have to remind myself to let it be.

  • Crumpet

    Its been 16 years since my JW friends began to shun me so I have no idea if they are happy or not. I hope they are. The last I heard from my pioneer friend was that she married a guy I dated for a while (secretly due to my age) and had a child. Unfortuntely he ended up going off with her mother - an elders wife. I guess she has her fair share of unhappiness and that gives me no pleasure.

    (PS look forward to meeting you in 3 weeks!)

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    bernadette - heres's hoping! Crumpet - looking forward to meeting the famous 'Crumpet' at last!! :-)

  • jaguarbass

    I believe in this new milenium and the information age that the teacher will appear when the student is ready.Once you go out of your way to save them from the watchtower, you have become just like them, the thing you detest. Also you never no how cucoo these folks are, how mentally frail and close to the edge. When I left the watertower. I was depressed for years. And no one telling me the truth about the troof would have helped that. Fortunately I survived. But for many depression leads to suicide. I guess it comes down to 6 of one and a half dozen of the other. You dont want to see them kill themselves by denying medical treatment. Or kill themselves by working themselves to the bone at low paying jobs because they denied themselves an education. But you dont want to cause them to kill them selves by seeing the reality of the cold world and the human condition of a Godless universe. Or maybe you are in a position where you would like to help them jump out of the frying pan and into the fire, go from one bible believing, twisting religious order to another bible believing twisted religious order, only this time you know you are guiding them to the right belief, unlike your previous self who directed many to the wrong witnoid belief that you were once so confident of.

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