I am so angry right now, I could spit fire!!!

by unique1 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Crumpet
    Unfortunately, my Aunts and Uncles don't really believe that my parents won't speak to me even though I have told them countless times. They just can't grasp it.

    i get this as well - all the time. Mainly worldly people - they just dont believe you and will go but have you tried phoning - er, yes only every week for 14 years. And do they speak? No they put the phone down when they know its No 1 daughter! I swear people still think its me exageratting or being stubborn cause no parent in their right mind would stop talking to their child right? Well thats the point - they are not in their right minds.... and round and round me go and its infuriating!!!

    So chuck us some of that passion flower - what exactly is it?

  • DJK

    Sorry Unique. This subject got me into my own rant. My condolences for your loss.

  • unique1

    Passion flower is an extract similar to Lavendar, in that it is very relaxing. I purchased it for my Anxiety disorder and keep some at home and at my desk. You just put 15 - 30 drops in your drink and it acts (it says within 5 minutes) within 10-20 minutes. It tastes like ass, but it works. It makes you feel relaxed like stepping into a hot bubble bath or having a few beers but not like sleepy relaxed. I suggest it to everyone with anxiety attacks.

    No worries DJK, it is nice to know you are not alone.

  • Scully

    Send a donation to a charity that was mentioned in the obituary, and a card to the family.

    Tell them that you are so sorry that you could not be there - you only found out after the funeral when you read the obituaries, because your JW family chose not to inform you.

    That will put the burden on the JW relatives for being unkind and unloving - not just to you, but toward your great aunt's memory. Trust me, the JWs have already started trash talking you to the surviving family members. "Oh, unique1? I guess she's not here because she doesn't care." "unique1 would have been here if she really loved her great aunt."

    This is one thing that I absolutely despise about the JWs.

  • unique1
    "Oh, unique1? I guess she's not here because she doesn't care." "unique1 would have been here if she really loved her great aunt."

    You think? Really? Wow, I really am new to this stuff I guess. I try not to be nieve about it, but the things they do are just so jacked up that I can't cover all my bases. I feel like I used to think like them but at the same time I constantly led a double life so I guess I never COMPLETELY thought like them. They can still blindside me.

  • free2think


    I'm so sorry, that is so horrible of thenm to not even let you know. It makes me so mad when I hear how these so called 'good people' treat people in the own family.

  • Scully

    It's the information control game, unique1. They control the information - both ways. They chose not to let you in on the fact that your great aunt passed away, which then allows them to control information that gets back to the family of the deceased. It is about making themselves appear to be more loving, more sincere, more "christian" than you, and making you appear to be unloving, uncaring, and completely lacking in decorum or social propriety.

    It is intended to hurt you, not just by way of leaving you out of the loop, but by creating a situation whereby family members are misinformed about why you are not there - it is a way of smearing your reputation within the realm of extended family who may not even be JWs.

    It's happened to me too. It's infuriating on so many levels. There's just no excuse for that level of cruelty.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I didn't have much communcation with them afterwards. I did see them at family reunions. Now the funeral has passed and I couldn't even let her son know how much what she and her sisters did for me meant to me. I couldn't even send flowers.

    FREAKING RELIGION!!! I do have call into my aunt on that side for more info. I hope she can fill me in.

    U1 - can you perhaps send the son a letter and explain why you didn't attend [or even know about it], expressing those thoughts?

    And to think, that not long ago, we thought that Freaking Religion was the example of Christianity that the whole world should follow. Oiy!


  • misanthropic
    That will put the burden on the JW relatives for being unkind and unloving - not just to you, but toward your great aunt's memory. Trust me, the JWs have already started trash talking you to the surviving family members. "Oh, unique1? I guess she's not here because she doesn't care." "unique1 would have been here if she really loved her great aunt."

    So true, my family pulled this in regards to another situation that wasn't a death. It's sad how witnesses distort the reality of things.

  • dawg

    This religion must be defeted, it's immoral, wrong, stuipd, arrogant and destroys lives. Bastards! That said, I'm sorry for you loss.

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