I am so angry right now, I could spit fire!!!

by unique1 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • unique1

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I check the local obits twice a week just in case someone dies and no one in my family tells me. This includes beloved older ones in the congregation that I grew up with who are really good people and my non jw family. I find out today that my great aunt died and her funeral was last night and no one told me. I know I know she was just a GREAT Aunt and well I wasn't close to my non-JW family so this shouldn't effect me right? WRONG!!

    My favorite grandma died of cancer shortly before I was engaged. She wasn't even 60 yet. Her sisters including the recently deceased, stepped up and bought me all my china for my wedding. They attended my wedding, for her and all said they would be my substitute Grandmas. She had 4 sisters. Since I was in the truth, I didn't have much communcation with them afterwards. I did see them at family reunions. Now the funeral has passed and I couldn't even let her son know how much what she and her sisters did for me meant to me. I couldn't even send flowers.

    FREAKING RELIGION!!! I do have call into my aunt on that side for more info. I hope she can fill me in.

  • anewme

    Oh how that must hurt you! I am so so sorry for the way the family is treating you. Your aunt sounds like she was a very loving person.

    You are right! Damn Watchtower Society! But dont even call it a religion! It is not a religion! It is a SHAM AND A FAKE! IT IS A BUSINESS OUT FOR ITSELF AND NOTHING MORE.

    Sorry you are unhappy. Perhaps talking with someone in the family will help you to heal and get past this abuse to your feelings.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Unique 1,

    I am so sorry for your loss. And I am so sorry that you were never even told. I keep thinking that the same thing will happen to us, as my grandmother and my husbands grandmother are really up there, and when they pass on I highly doubt they will even let us know either. Real love for ya hugh?? You could write her son a letter telling him all you want him to know and still send flowers. I sure would. Maybe you will strike a cord with him. Again sorry for your loss.


    Lady Liberty

  • GoingGoingGone

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Is her son a JW? If not, you could call him and let him know what happened, and that you didn't know that your great-aunt had died until after the funeral. That would at least answer any questions he had about why you didn't attend.

    If he is a JW, and you don't think he will talk to you, you could send a card, again explaining that you weren't informed of your great-aunt's death and found out from the obituary in the paper, but wanted to let him know how much she meant to you. You could even try to talk to him, some JWs will talk to DF'd relatives in the event of a death in the family.


  • Crumpet

    I know how you feel - I was shocked to find out my aunt only in her early 40's had cancer and died here at JWD! No one thought I needed to know someone I loved dearly was dead. Just like no one thought I should know my sister had gotten married. It sucks! But we just have remember they are brainwashed to believe this behaviour is love and how sick that love is.

  • blondie

    The great aunt may be dead but the family members are still alive. I would still send a card and a few nice memories you have of her.


  • unique1

    Thank you all for you kind words.

    My parents are the only JWs in the family. Unfortunately, my Aunts and Uncles don't really believe that my parents won't speak to me even though I have told them countless times. They just can't grasp it.

    I think I will give her son a call, or send a card. They do have a memorial set up with a local charity that I plan to send a donation to in her name. My parents said they would call me or let me know of any ememergency situations. I guess death isn't an emergency. WHATEVER!!

    I drank my passion flower and am calming down now. That stuff is the bomb.

  • hubert


    There..... I fixed it.

    Unique1, So sorry they did that to you. I hope you are able to contact the son and tell him your story.


  • unique1

    I am so sorry Crumpet, that is just rude, plain rude of them.

  • DJK

    I have been there more than once Unique. My mother was not a JW so I was told about any family passings as they happened. She passed ten years ago and there have been several family and JWs that have died and I wasn't informed until years later. My dad knew and it makes me feel lower than Satan because he won't call and tell me.


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