UNbaptised, DISfellowshipped & Free

by Miss 8572 18 Replies latest jw experiences


    U seem to have a very strong spirit about yourself. Enjoy your freedom!!! I also grew up in the "truth" and was never pressured to be baptized. Now that I am a follower of Christ and one who has questioned the WTS and their twisted teachings, my family and so called friends also treat me differently/semi-shunned. That's something that they will have to fight with within themselves. At least U spoke up about having questions...that seed in itself might go a long way.

    Welcome to the board, Stay strong and be blessed!!!

  • greendawn

    Welcome, you realised early on that the JWs are nothing but a self serving cultic organisation that is of no benefit at all to those following its directions. Fortunately you will not spend decades more labouring in vain but will rather give your life the direction you want and not what they want. Your JW friends will no doubt later regret that they followed their teachings.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Miss 8572: Welcome to the board.

    Be glad you never got baptized. "Officially" you cannot be shunned (disfellowshipped). So if you have friends in the Borg, they can still choose to speak to you without real reprecussions.

    Me, on the other hand, was raised in the Borg, baptized at 16, many "privileges" later..deleted as an elder and fading slowly. If I leave or speak against the WT Society (Borg), then I would be disfellowshipped (shunned) by close friends because they would be pressured to/threatened with D/F themselves. Only family that are Witnesses are my mom and a cousin and her husband. Mom is rebellious and does whatever she wants so she would not likely shun me.

    it is my position that it is hardly a christian practice and that it is a violation of basic rights and freedoms.
    Her view of it was that it keeps the congregation clean

    Interesting comparison of viewpoints. I happen to agree with yours (the first one). I would like to see that policy ended, but the Borg likes control (but allegedly for your friends reason).

    Look forward to reading more of your posts and more of your background. Feel free to PM anytime or post here.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the Rebellious Sheep Class)

  • GoingGoingGone

    Welcome, Miss8572!

    Nice to have you here!


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Welcome!!!! Glad you made it out of the clutches of the borg.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Welcome Miss8572 - friends outside the JW cult, you will find, are more loving, honest and most of all they love you and their friendship is UNconditional!!!


  • unique1

    Good for you and welcome to the board!! I hope you make many friends outside the "truth" so that the old ones won't be missed as much. Time heals all wounds.

  • Mum

    Congratulations! Welcome to freedom and welcome to this forum.

    I can relate to what you say about your "worldly" friends' having better qualities than your JW associates. When I was close to leaving (1979), I realized that I had been a better person before becoming a JW. I am also a better person after leaving. I can also relate to how peaceful it feels to be free. I was harassed into a judicial committee. I saw no reason to be brought before a committee, but my JW elder husband insisted so that he could try to establish adultery so he could marry his horror of a girlfriend. Yes, he had the girlfriend, but wanted me to be the one to confess to adultery. Actually, I think this woman would have been perfect for him. She would have been a total shrew and then taken all of his material possessions. He deserved her, but he had my daughter; and my child did not deserve to have to live under the same roof with this woman. The poor guy could not imagine I would leave for any other reason. Anyway, ever since that kangaroo court, I have been so glad I went despite my objections. They treated me so shabbily that I totally, for the first time, realized what a bunch of hypocritical pathetic losers they really were. I left that meeting feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from me. I was smiling, practically dancing. I went and found a friend to celebrate!

    In later years, my ex stepped down from being an elder and gradually quit attending meetings. My daughter tells me that she found condoms in the living room of his home. He dated a girl with paranoid schizophrenia, and may have fathered a child by her. I'm sorry; I know he is mentally ill, but facts are facts. A couple of years ago, he reconnected with the organization and married a JW woman. Through the grapevine, I hear that he (now close to 70 years old) lives with her in her parents' basement, a better place than that ramshackle trailer he lived in before. At any rate, he is a good example of the self-righteousness and hypocrisy of which we speak. Needless to say, better was about all things could get for me arfter I left.

    I now have a college degree, am retired with more than Social Security. My daughter also has a college degree. She loves her father but has little or no contact with him. She understands his illness but cannot cope with it very well.

    Oh, yes, life outside of "paradise" is the only life worth living.



  • eclipse

    Welcome Miss! From one libertarian hippy girl to another...I know exactly how it feels to be shunned without official reason.

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