The End Is Near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Irish Rose 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Proceeding now to bend over and kiss my ass goodbye...............oh wait a minute maybe this is just a great marketing scheme by the j dubs,...... oh hell I'll just kiss it anyways

  • Elsewhere

    Just remember... throughout history countless millions have predicted the end of the world and they all have one thing in common: They were ALL WRONG.

    Now, I must say I would be far more interested if someone were to say: The bootie is near!

  • needproof

    "I think that is why the bible said somewhere, not to go to bed angry, because what if we or they don't have tomorrow to say, "I love you, or I'm sorry."

    This is why I cannot allow a person out of my sight without reconciling with them beforehand and letting them know that I love them. I could not live with myself if my last words to a loved one would be full of anger.

  • Gayle

    It's ironic to me that '74 I got pregnant and was so happy yet had a lingering thought/fear that the end was coming in '75 or sooner & what if all JWs were imprisoned & I had to have my baby in prison, etc. Now she's married, got her college degree and has had two wonderful sons. Fortunately, I had more children too & motherhood brought me to a lot of reality and re-evaluation. All my children are "free" from the WTS and I am a proud grandma and even more proud that the WTS didn't get my children.

  • greendawn

    All those unfortunate people were simply duped and really believed that the end was near and made some bad decisions such as not studying at university even when capable of this and not saving for the future.

    Surprisingly even now 12 years after they admitted that the 1914 generation is not literal and thus the end may be centuries away they still go on along the same lines, no university, no financial security for the future these are so pointless.

    They must have found a weak spot in their followers who apparently are strongly inclined to believe these lies though they are so transparent by now.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    There are several in my congregation who say, "We are now living at the very end of the final part of the last days".

    Now really, how close to the end can you get?

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)


    As a kid..I remember alot of the older people in our congragation saying "The end is Near!..They`re all dead now..I guess they were right!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • nvrgnbk
    This is why I cannot allow a person out of my sight without reconciling with them beforehand and letting them know that I love them. I could not live with myself if my last words to a loved one would be full of anger.

    I am in agreement with you here needproof. I operate in the same way.

  • nvrgnbk
    "We are now living at the very end of the final part of the last days".

    A variation on that theme is " We are now living in the final seconds of the final minutes of the final hours of the last days".

    They've actually said that. For real.

  • needproof

    Hi Nvr, you are such a nice person that I would not have thought otherwise!

    Hope the rest of the week brings you peace.

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