Cindy Sheehan quits the fight

by CaptainSchmideo 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    Carla, That's not the point whether you agree with us or not... I think the better question is what is it about this war that you think is right; where do you disagree with us? If there's nothng to be gained by our committment there then why are you for it? I'm not being facitious I really simply want to know? Also, what about the outright lies told our country that got us there? Have you not seen the reports coming out of DC lately that proves Bush and his administraiton was lying? Does that not matter to you?

    Warlock, I agree with what you said

  • undercover

    The Civil Right marches and sit-ins worked because enough people were affected by the segregation laws. Once the people who were affected were organized and made to see that they could make a change for the better, they proved to be a forceful group.

    The anti-war movement of the late 60s and early 70s were effective because enough people were affected by the draft and the body count that was continuing to rise in Vietnam.

    The reason that these events can't be compared to what is happening today (though people like to compare the mistakes of Iraq to the mistakes of Vietnam), is that not enough average Americans are affected by the war. The war is being fought by a volunteer army. No one is being forced to join the army and go fight. Though the Bush Administration has raided the National Guard and extended tours of duties of those already over there, Joe and Jane College, Jack and Jill Partier are not affected. They can keep going on about their every day life without worrying much about being personally involved in what's going on.

    The generation of the 60s likes to think that they were more involved and up-to-date on world events than their turn-of-the-new-century counterparts, but the sad truth is that the 60s generation's anti-war movement was based on selfish necessity. They stood up to the war because they didn't want to go fight. Part of it was based on the fact that the war was not a noble cause like WWII. But, I think that it's partly because the 60s generation was raised watching the war movies of WWII and saw all the archived footage of the war and realized that war is not a glamorous endeavor. It's dirty, it's hard, people die horrible deaths and endure life changing injuries. I think the 60s generation saw that war really is hell and wanted no part of it. If that generation was so involved in anti-war because of the atrocities of war and not because of being personally involved, where the hell are they now? That generation doesn't have to worry anymore than the kids have to worry, so they too have been eerily quiet.

    In today's situation, it's sad to say, but if the draft was reinstated, then you would see a real anti-war movement. If all the mall-rats and sk8tr boies, drift racers, frat boys and gangsta rappers had to face the possibilty of being called up to go serve in Iraq, you'd see a backlash pretty damn quick. And you if thought draft card burners were 'in your face' in the 60s...they wouldn't hold a candle to the angst filled generation of today. Compare Woodstock 69 to Woodstock 99 for a culture shock.

  • OICU8it2

    that you that defend it are the ones that hate america. I don't believe I defended it. I believe she was used till her usefulness wore off. What generals, Murtha? There are always military against the war. Lincoln had the same problem. The enemy is using the antiwar left and the protesters essentially are giving aid and comfort to them. Zawaheri has made many statements that baited the left. Most of the military I have talked to want to complete the mission. In Somalia, the same terrorists were emboldened by our lack of response. In fact, the 911 master planner expected our response would be of a legal nature in the courts. When Harry Reed states we have lost the war he gives the enemy encouragement to keep hanging on. This war was a real blunder and I am not a proponent of it. I think a balance was upset when Sadaam was removed. Iraq held Iran in check. It is not possible today to fight to win. You cannot fire into a Mosque when fired upon, you can't remove whole areas with a scorched earth policy. There seems to be more concern over the enemies rights than our servicemen's welfare. When Congressmen in this country are more upset over someone being dishonored in Abu Graab (sp.) than the quartering and beheading of US citizens I have a problem. I think the war was won when Sadaam was deposed but it has evolved into the center of the fight against terrorism. I want us out when the generals say so, not the appeasers on the left.

  • dawg

    OICU, why don't you love america enough to research your posts before you comment? I'll give you a short list so you can call these fine brave men that have defended the US in several wars unpatriotic... first on the list CENTCOM commander, decorated Marine Antony Zinni-the higest ranking military officer until he retired. Major General Paul Eaton, in charge of Middle East opperations. Lt. General Bernard Trainor, Major General John Baptiste. Not to mention, a poll taken in September showed that the troops by an overwhelming majority, 65% want to leave Iraq within a year... that was in September! Are they (the troops that want out) unpatriotic also or do they realize what a waste this war was from the start? Why don't you love the US enough to read a book every once in a while instead of lazily listening to Rush Limbaugh? It's not just the left that lost this war, it was this stupid moronic president and his adminsitraiton that both lied us into this war and was too incompentent to carry out a plan. And you blame others? WHat are you smoking, I'm serious, I really want to know becasue you're simply not in your right mind.

  • NotaNess

    Bush is a murdering (insert slur of a fatherless child) huh?

    How do you all feel about about 600,000 American lives lost due to an American President. People that want to put Bush on trial, should look to our history.

    The racist President Abraham Lincoln, was the root cause of the War Between the States, with no initial plan or WANT, to free any slaves. His actions lead to the "final straw that broke the camels back" for the Southern States, and all hell broke loose.

    Secession was legal and constitutional for any state to leave the union. Some did, and he invaded. Period.

    This is all truth and can be backed up, but you'll have to research yourselves on the facts....I'm too lazy to add anything else.

  • Simon
    that you that defend it are the ones that hate america. I don't believe I defended it. I believe she was used till her usefulness wore off. What generals, Murtha? There are always military against the war. Lincoln had the same problem. The enemy is using the antiwar left and the protesters essentially are giving aid and comfort to them. Zawaheri has made many statements that baited the left. Most of the military I have talked to want to complete the mission. In Somalia, the same terrorists were emboldened by our lack of response. In fact, the 911 master planner expected our response would be of a legal nature in the courts. When Harry Reed states we have lost the war he gives the enemy encouragement to keep hanging on. This war was a real blunder and I am not a proponent of it. I think a balance was upset when Sadaam was removed. Iraq held Iran in check. It is not possible today to fight to win. You cannot fire into a Mosque when fired upon, you can't remove whole areas with a scorched earth policy. There seems to be more concern over the enemies rights than our servicemen's welfare. When Congressmen in this country are more upset over someone being dishonored in Abu Graab (sp.) than the quartering and beheading of US citizens I have a problem. I think the war was won when Sadaam was deposed but it has evolved into the center of the fight against terrorism. I want us out when the generals say so, not the appeasers on the left.

    What an ignorant person. That is the sort of moronic drivel that causes people to hate America and cheer when 'the little guy' gives the bully a bloody nose. It's the reason you will never win be cause you have no idea how to make and keep allies ... you have managed to turn world sympathy into "yeah, hit 'em again" in a few short years. Well done! BTW: I hope you don't get 'out' when anyone on the left says so. I think America should have to stay in Iraq for the 10+ years (I think I originally suggested about 30) that will be needed to fix the mess you bone headed neanderthals made. By then you should be bankrupt and less of a danger to the world - Europe and China will finally be able to tell you to do what you need to be told ('cause you are just some teenage brat of a country aren't you?). There 'ya go ... that should give you right-wing knuckle-heads and your pals something to froth about.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the US needs to ask the UN to help and give them complete cooperation, and drop all its material interest and just give complete cooperation, militarily and finacially with reguards to undo the trouble they have caused in Iraq. Maybe they will do it after the get rid of Bush either thru impeachment or his term runs out.

  • Junction-Guy

    600,000 Americans dead? I dont recall that many service personnel dying, where did you get that figure?

  • frankiespeakin

    Read this and click on the stream to get the full story:

    Wednesday, May 30th, 2007Cindy Sheehan, From Grieving Mother to Antiwar Leader
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    Peace activist Cindy Sheehan has announced she is stepping back from her role as a leading campaigner against the Iraq war. We take a look back at how she helped galvanize the antiwar movement over the past two-and-a-half years following the death of her son Casey in Iraq. [includes rush transcript]

    • Democracy Now! looks back at Cindy Sheehan's antiwar activism after her son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004.


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    AMY GOODMAN: We turn to Cindy Sheehan, who has just announced she is stepping away from the antiwar movement after two years of being the nation's most visible critic of the war in Iraq. She began speaking out against the invasion and occupation of Iraq after her twenty-four-year-old son, Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed in Iraq in Sadr City on April 4, 2004. Cindy Sheehan made headlines around the world in August 2005, when she staged a camp out to pressure President Bush to meet her as he vacationed at his Crawford estate.

    On Monday, Cindy Sheehan announced her resignation as the face of the antiwar movement. She said she’s stepping back in part because of hostility from Democrats, who she has criticized for supporting the war. Cindy Sheehan also cited repeated threats on her life, strains on our health and family, and divisions inside the peace movement. She wrote, "When I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the 'left' started labeling me with the same slurs the right used. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of 'left or right,' but 'right and wrong.'”

    In a few minutes, Cindy Sheehan will join us in Sacramento, but first we look back at how she helped galvanize the antiwar movement over the past two-and-a-half years. Her name was first mentioned in the national press a month before the 2004 election, when she appeared in a TV ad sponsored by the MoveOn PAC.

      CINDY SHEEHAN: His sergeant said, “Sheehan, you don’t have to go,” because my son was a mechanic. He was a Humvee mechanic. And Casey said, “Where my chief goes, I go.” And he knew what had to be done. He died in his best friend's arms in Iraq. I imagined it would have hurt if one of my kids was killed, but I never thought it would hurt this bad, especially someone so honest and brave as Casey, my son.

      When you haven’t been honest with us, when you and your advisors rushed us into this war, how do you think we felt when we heard the Senate report that said there was no link between Iraq and 9/11?

      PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute…

    AMY GOODMAN: After President Bush was reelected, Sheehan formed Gold Star Families for Peace with Celeste Zappala and other mothers. They traveled to Washington to protest President Bush's inauguration.

      CINDY SHEEHAN: Well, yesterday I was with Celeste when we tried to get a meeting with our Secretary of Defense, and we’ve been trying for weeks. We’ve been emailing, writing, calling. They finally stopped taking our calls. And I just saw all these people today cheering for them and their policies. And I think if I had like $25 grand, I would probably have access to everybody in this administration, but I’ve paid a price that is priceless. You can’t put a price on what I’ve given to this country. I gave them my only -- my oldest son -- not my only son, but my oldest son, and they don't even have the courtesy to reply to us to say, “No, we're not going to meet with you,” or, “You know, maybe later,” or “Would you like to meet with another aide?” They don't even have the courtesy to meet with Gold Star Families.

    AMY GOODMAN: Cindy Sheehan was ignored by the Bush administration and much of the corporate press. By August of 2005, she could no longer be silenced. Joined by a group of veterans and antiwar activists, Cindy Sheehan set up what became known as Camp Casey outside President Bush's estate in Crawford, Texas. She said she would stay there until the President met with her so she could ask him a question: for what noble cause did my son die?

      CINDY SHEEHAN: And if I have to stay out here all month in this heat, it’s not anything compared to what our soldiers are going through and what the people of Iraq are going through.

    AMY GOODMAN: As hundreds joined Cindy Sheehan in Crawford, President Bush refused to meet with her.

      PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: You know, listen, I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan. She feels strongly about her -- about her position. And she has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America. She has a right to her position. And I’ve thought long and hard about her position. I’ve heard her position from others, which is “Get out of Iraq now.” And it would be a mistake for the security of this country and the ability to lay the foundations for peace in the long run, if we were to do so.

    AMY GOODMAN: Cindy Sheehan soon became the frequent target of media attacks from Bill O’Reilly and others.

      BILL O’REILLY: I think Mrs. Sheehan bears some responsibility for this and also for the responsibility of other American families who have lost sons and daughters in Iraq who feel that this kind of behavior borders on treasonous.

    AMY GOODMAN: Despite the attacks, Camp Casey continued to grow. This is former State Department official, Ann Wright.

      ANN WRIGHT: We started with one car staying overnight -- one tent, two tents, three tents. Now, we’ve got -- I counted last night, we had eighty cars and about forty tents that stayed the night here. And during the course of the day, we'll be having probably 300 to 400 people that will be coming through from all over the country to spend a couple of hours, maybe a day or two. It's a remarkable outpouring from America.

    AMY GOODMAN: Nadia McCaffrey and other mothers who lost sons in Iraq also joined Cindy in Crawford.

      NADIA McCAFFREY: I had to be here. I had to support Cindy. I had to support the mothers. I came because what she started is very important. I think it's going to make history. This is the first time when we have some attention. I'm talking about the war, the Gold Star Families especially. And all the mothers must join, and we are doing it right now.

    AMY GOODMAN: President Bush left Crawford without meeting Cindy Sheehan, but by then she had become the face of the antiwar movement and one of the most famous peace activists in the world.

      CINDY SHEEHAN: I can't believe it. Everybody is coming up to me and saying, “Thank you for being here.” Thank you for being here! If it wasn't for the thousands and thousands of people that came to Camp Casey, if it wasn't for the millions that supported us, I would still be sitting in that ditch. But you guys got me out of the ditch. You got us to our nation's capital. And we mean business, George Bush. And we're going to Congress, and we're going to ask them how many more of other people's children are you willing to sacrifice for the lies?

    AMY GOODMAN: As the Iraq war intensified, Cindy Sheehan shifted her criticism to include the Democratic Party, as well.

      CINDY SHEEHAN: We have basically right now in Congress a one-party system. We have very few Democrats who are speaking to our core values as progressive liberal Democrats. And they are rubber-stamping and bobble-heading everything that this administration wants to do. And it's so urgent right now that we have an opposition party. And I believe if Democrats courageously spoke out to their core values, saying, “This war is wrong; if we voted for it, we shouldn't have,” and to call for an end to the occupation of Iraq, I believe that we could have a government that is run with integrity, and we could -- the Democrats could have a landslide victory in November, if they would act different from the Republicans. And I’m supporting these candidates who are saying that this war is wrong, we need to bring our troops home, and we are not going to support the Republicans who are corrupt and who are leading our country down this path of destruction.

    AMY GOODMAN: After the Democrats took control of Congress, Cindy Sheehan continued to pressure Democrats over the war and called for the impeachment of President Bush.

      CINDY SHEEHAN: This is what we have to do. Right now, at this minute, we have to start calling the offices of John Conyers, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman, Steny Hoyer, Harry Reid, your congressperson, and start saying, “We want accountability.”

    AMY GOODMAN: Now, nearly two years after starting Camp Casey, Cindy Sheehan has announced she is stepping back from her role as a leader of the antiwar movement. When we come back from break, Cindy Sheehan joins us live from Sacramento, California, where she has gone home.

  • pr_capone

    Carla - "At the moment I have family in all three major branches of the military."

    Erm... there are 5 branches of the military and not one of them is any less important than the other.

    Coast Guard
    Air Force

    As for Cindy... I have mixed emotions TBH. On one hand I admire the fact that she put herself out there and took a stand for what she believed in, on the other hand, the way she went about it and how she let herself be lead by politicians vying against Bush and the Republican party in general was infuriating.

    A mothers grief for loosing a son in a war was turned into a massive political agenda. Though we will never know for sure short of asking her up front, I am willing to wager that she was proud of her sons service right up to the day she got a phone call informing her that her son died. As any mother would (I can only imagine since I am not a mother myself), she lashed out and the only real target for her anger was the government for going to war and sending her son into harms way. (Not arguing the merits of the war itself, only about Sheehan)

    The fact that ANY politician, regardless of political party, would use this grieving woman to further their own agenda is despicable... but that seems to be exactly what happened. Once she was of little to no value to them politically, she gets dumped and made a fool of. Either way, she lost a son, as have many other mothers and fathers. I feel for them all.

    To all those who have fallen
    Rest In Peace

    dawg - A person is no less a true patriot for either approving or disapproving of the current war. Instead of pointing fingers and laying blame, efforts should be concentrated upon figuring out how to make as clean a break from this as possible as you stated.

    IMHO, a full and immediate pull-out is not a reasonable solution, but neither is staying there and continuing in the same path we have been taking. We as a nation are in a very bad position here.

    Simon - Way to go there buddy... keep fighting against the war on your forum. As we all know, a forum aimed at ex-witnesses is the BEST place to talk about political and military strategy. Surely someone high up in the US government is bound to read your thoughts on the subject and take them to heart, they have several years worth of posts to cull through after all, though calling the US population on your forum bone headed neanderthals might not win you any points.

    Kansas District Overbeer

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