Hard line stance taken-results are in!

by dawg 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey dawg,

    would love to read that letter. If you can post it here for us to review, maybe we can pass it alone!!


  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    Good work Dawg,

    After 15 yrs of not having any kind of relationship with my family,...I've been doing the same thing. I'm behind this action 100%.

    I also feel that it can be effective. I have nothing to lose.

  • dawg

    All of you guys, this letter is working great.... I'll be happy to send it tou you via e-mail.... give me a PM

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    I did not see the movie "Braveheart" all the way through:

    Is this a quote Mel Gibson's character? Must have been the best part of the film......


  • WTWizard

    Yes, this is going to be a difficult fight. The Tower has many resources, and if trickery fails they will not hesitate to resort to force. They might start libel suits for anyone that speaks up against them (and yet they speak up against the Catholic church with abandon). They will harass anyone, even making death threats and causing credit hell, for blowing them in if there is any way they can. If you have ever sent them even one check, they have the technology to take your routing number and account number and writing themselves a blank check and cleaning out your account (I think the risk is higher the more recent your checks have been coming).

    But they have some major flaws. Their structure is a scam. People are no longer listening at the doors. So they are going into the countries where the Internet is a novelty. People are researching them on the Internet before committing. And they are soon going to get busted for trying to fight the pedophile scam by denying it (the longer they try to deny it, the worse they are going to get it when the balloon finally does come due).

    We have a major part. The whole ex-JW community has to get together on this. We need to openly use posts from this and other forums, in conjunction with other apostate Web sites, to expose the Watchtower Society. Everything from where they originated from to their current policies and the changes under way now, personal experiences, and experiences from other sources, is going to help us get rid of this menace. (That's what I don't like about when one forum owner or one site owner alienates themselves from others--when that happens, the Watchtower Society gleefully points out the fights and wars as what happens when people turn apostate.) The other sites are there to help us, and if you don't feel like contributing to them or joining the sponsored religious groups, they can still help us expose the folly of the Watchtower Society. The ones that are serious about exposing the cult are happy when they see their material spread, at least in portions (without violating copyrights, of course). And, finally, we can get and discuss that famous Crisis of Conscience book by Raymond Franz. It has valuable information from the source.

    Hopefully, we can win this difficult war. The Tower will not give up control. We need to expose them so that people will not come in. Only then, once enough people leave and no new recruits are replacing them, will the Tower come down.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Do you know of any "co-ordination" efforts between site owners, besides "links?"

    The problem seems to be this: After exiting, everyone comes up with a different "take:" on post exiting avenues. Or, like Ray Franz, none at all. This "Babal-ish" confusion is a "told ya' so" from the WT to those considering exiting.



  • MidwichCuckoo

    Hmmm - I'm curious too as to what the magic ingredient to your letter is ...

    Dawg : If I could figure a way to post what I had writtten I would be happy to do so.

    Couldn't you copy and paste from the original email?

  • yaddayadda

    "if we all stnad firm now-remain loyal to our own "organization" of apostates"

    Congrats but I'll pass on remaining loyal to any 'organisation'. Had enough of that for one lifetime thanks.

  • WTWizard

    I am not aware of any attempted coordination attempts between different forum owners, ex-JW sites, and individual apostates on a wide scale. Freeminds does post its Net Soup, linking hot topics from different forums to their site. Danny Haszard has a Web site of his own, plus he is a member of many different ex-JW forums. And Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses has links to something like 18 different forums. However, I don't see links to all the forums and all the apostate sites on a widespread basis. I think someone would do well to start a site to link up all cooperating forum owners and apostate Web sites so that we can band together and go worldwide.

    One thing I would like is a coordinated attempt to reach Nigeria and other countries where there are many more Bible studies than publishers and they are more likely to become publishers. A coordinated attempt to get all the information in those African countries and in China and Bangladesh would do more to defuse those time bombs and prevent the Tower from laying much claim there. The only problem: Trying to translate whole forums and web sites into those languages, and getting substantial numbers of people (many of whom are barely subsisting) online.

  • MariAruet
    this war MUST be raised, we must not back down, we must never give in, we must rescue all from the fools that run the WTBTS cult! Stand with me now and let's defeate this enemy to reason; these destroyers of family and lives!

    I will be the flag bearer ;-)

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