Welcome to Fellow Newbie Oracle

by SnakesInTheTower 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Hi Oracle,

    Not everyone will agree, but I admire your stance, at least for a time, to stay an elder. It is good to have people with there own thinking ability at all levels of the organization. However, it gets harder and harder to live a double life for too long.

    Your points are very good. People such as yourself can help make the lives of others easier, and also help ease people out of unthinking allegiance to the Organization.

    All the best.

  • betterdaze

    Wow, all the newbies...

    Welcome Snakes! Welcome Oracle!


  • betterdaze

    Oracle, I'd also like to say those guidelines belong in the Best Of section.


  • penny2

    I'm enjoying your posts, Oracle and Snakes. A couple of other suggestions for those staying on as elders:

    • Praise young ones who want to continue their education
    • Discourage kids from getting baptized (in subtle ways)
    • Praise mothers who don't attend week night meetings because they want to get their kids to bed early
    • Emphasize the importance of being kind and loving
    • Tell those with anxiety disorders that it's OK if they don't get to meetings
    • Encourage those in financial difficulties to work a few extra hours (even if it means they'll miss a meeting)

    Elders are looked up to - their words are remembered and hold great power.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Penny, thanks for your excellent additional points regarding staying on as an elder, and for your kind and encouraging words. I really mean it - THANK YOU!! You will be happy to hear that I fully endorse all those additional points you mention, and on every possible occasion seek to do just as you wrote, and will certainly continue to do so with great gusto.

    And Snakes - thank you for your wise words of advice. I have to agree with what you are saying, and I totally understand the route you took. I don't know how long I can keep this up myself, but so far so good. I seem to be blessed with a strong phsychological constitution (or I am very stubborn or stupid...probably a combination of all 3) so I am not too worried about getting messed up psycholgoically. Keeping the big picture, and my contributions to society (not to be confused the WTBS) in focus helps me get through a lot of crap. I look forward to more insight from you in the future, as I am sure it will help my journey.

    Here is a neat tid-bit. I haven't really been door to door in over a year. That would truly be hypocritical and extremely difficult to justify, if I were doing what I am doing on the inside, while at the same time going out in to the field to win over new converts, that would be pretty counter-productive... unless of course, I purposely botched the presentations and made us sound like a bunch of koo-koos. Hmmm... that wouldn't be too hard would it? Hee Hee.

    Having said that, really all my JW dealings are restricted to regular meetings, elders meetings and social association, and the occasional circuit assembly part. I use my influence in all those situations to promote free thinking and to do all those things I mentioned at length in a previous post. At present, I feel my voice as an elder, has a greater impact and is helping me to achieve my goals quicker. There will come a time when that is no longer the case I am sure. But there are many different factors weighing on me, not the least of which include my family and close friends.


    Funniest moment at my meeting this week... I slapped my book study assistant on the back (whom I have been asking a multitude of times over the last 6 months to take the group) and declared in a loud voice, "Poor Jim.... I have missed so many meetings lately, Jim here must be thinking I am falling out of the truth!" Literally 8 different brothers and sisters who were standing with us, broke out in to hillarious laughter. I then went on to imitate myself calling my assistant "Jim" with lame excuse after lame excuse, as to why I needed him to keep taking the book study. My little audience was in stitches... I too was laughing so hard I could hardly breathe, but of course for a much different reason than everyone else! Ah, you gotta have fun with it - either that or YOU WILL GO CRAZY....but wait... I know what some of you are thinking... is he already there??? Maybe so! Maybe so! But, if anyone is still interested I will keep you all posted concerning my ongoing adventures in the continuing sage .... The Oracle, Undercover Elder in the 21st Century!

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    Thanks Sue, that is a nice thing to say. But, is there really of a best of section? LOL

    On a related note, I am finding it a bit difficult to navigate around this site and find things. Does anyone have any tips on how to use the site, and keep track of who is posting what and where to find posts you would like to read etc etc?

    The Oracle

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Oracle, I hope you are my brother. When you finally reveal yourself, please call. I will welcome you back with open arms, and forget all of the crappy things you have said to me. Especially the last words you said to me years ago, "I have given up on you, and so has Jehovah!". My phone # is the same.

  • penny2
    Oracle, I hope you are my brother

    I'm sure quite a few will be hoping that Oracle is their brother. Oracle! Do you have a sister - 47 years old?

    I am finding it a bit difficult to navigate around this site and find things

    Most of us spend many hours here - well at least as many hours as we used to spend at meetings and in FS.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    penny2, I don't need an answer soon.

    Let me dream a little. Let me picture my PIOUS PUSTULE brother typing these posts, listening for the footsteps of his reg. pioneer wife.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hi Horrible Life,

    Sadly, you have mistaken me for someone else.

    However, if you like I can help free the mind you are referring to. Just send me a private message with an email and address and I will begin working on freeing his mind.

    That offer goes applies to anyone here, by the way. If you are trying to help a loved one break free from the dangerous and unhealthy environment of the JW faith, and just can't seem to get through to them - perhaps I can help. I do not have unlimited time and resources, and cannot guarantee success, but I will certainly do my best to assist.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.


    The Oracle.

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