Does Being A Jehovah’s Witness Lead To Disorders?

by The wanderer 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    Does Being A Jehovah’s Witness Lead To Disorders?

    Well, possibly, but it's more likely that disorders lead to susceptibility to cult involvement although that is not to say that cult involvement indicates a disorer, but that is not to say that the opposite is not true as well. Gimme' another drinky winky.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    I know of 3 individual jw teenagers that committed suicide partially due to the pressure jws placed on them and the appending Armageddon

    inner anxieties, depression derived from the over whelming oppression there are many

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    We are taught we have to earn our salvation. No matter what we do, we have too do more. When a date passes uneventfully, it is because WE attached too much to it. 1975, this generation, and many more false teaching are our fault.


    They will be destroyed soon. The big A is coming for 'em.

    This causes guilt / failure and the need for drugs.




  • ssrriotsquad

    Etteruot's Syndrome (Reversal of Tourette's Syndrome) - Instead of saying foul words, you say pleasantry words to everyone.

    Headswelleitis - For those who have relatives or positions within the organisation.

  • trevor

    All religion leads to disorders of some degree. Although, initially, there is a feeling of comfort and hope, cognitive dissidence creates an imbalance in the mind where everything has to be edited and slotted into a preconceived belief system.

    The freedom that the mind needs to explore and grow as real experience provides lessons, is impaired. This leads to bigotry and a compelling need to defend ones beliefs against anyone that threatens the balancing act of belief.


  • bernadette


    I like your raging fire that is the watchtower society analogy - so true, who can remain whole especially as they actively shut one's conscious mind.


  • Gill

    Absolutely YES!

    Especially women folk are suseptible to psychiatric disorders because they end up with literally NO control in their lives at all! They are constantly in 'Submission' to fathers, elders, husbands etc. It could drive anyone crazy!! And, it usually does!

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    I have a great friend who was also raised a JW....He's now doubt from years of oppressed say this because he does a radio show, interviews a-list celebs......but can't cross a fucking bridge, or drive on the freeway. i love him like a bro. and wish there was more i could do. He's dealing though.

  • done4good

    Mathilde, you summed it up quite nicely.


  • diamondblue1974

    Given the amount of pressure that is upon dub families it is no surprise that some often suffer from what has been described as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME; although I am no expert I would suggest that predominantly they are suffering from a stress disorder or some form of depression.

    Consider this,

    Most of us had full time jobs and had families so not only do you have to work full time and run a household you have a rigorous routine of personal study, field ministry, meeting attendance as well as finding some time for recreation. Its nigh on impossible to balance it all and something must give.

    I remember a CO saying on the platform once that if we didnt feel the pressure and feel that life was hard work, we were doing something wrong and that we werent trying hard enough. So not only do we have all the day to day stuff to deal with plus so called spiritual aspects to manage but we have a culture where it is unacceptable to cope and find it easy. This results in you putting more pressure on yourself in the hope that if you feel enough pressure you can rest assured that you are doing something right.

    Its only now we are out we can actually see this for what it is....does anyone else have similar experiences?


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