Does Anybody Read The Bible Here Anymore???

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    Raises hand! I Do, I DO

  • averyniceguy

    I read a scripture once in a blue moon. Thats about it.

  • blondie

    Edward Dunlap

    A few days after Franz's resignation but before the couple left the world headquarters, the Franzes met with Edward Dunlap, a member of the Writing Department who, according to Franz, "had been the object of personal attack both within the Governing Body and outside thereof" and had previously "asked the Writing Committee to give him relief from harassment". [24] These members were harassing Dunlap because he preferred to guide Witnesses to Scripture rather than to the Watch Tower Society's literature [citation needed] . Franz says Dunlap had given his life to the organization [25] by serving faithfully for over forty years, and was a teacher at the organization's missionary school (Watchtower Bible School of Gilead), one of the anointed heavenly class [26] , a major contributor to the doctrinal encyclopedia, Aid to Bible Understanding, and the writer of the Watchtower Society's only published Bible commentary, Commentary on the Letter of James. Dunlap was called in for questioning; not long after, he "was dismissed from his work and home at the international headquarters and disfellowshiped from the organization" [

  • snowbird


    I was just about to correct the redoubtable minimus, but you beat me to it. See, at one time I had an eidetic memory, and when Commentary on the Letter of James came up, Ed Dunlap sprang immediately to mind.

    I still read the Bible, only with no WTS filters. One example is John 12:47. Here our Lord is saying plainly that if anyone hears His words and doesn't obey them, He is not going to judge that person.

    Control that with the WTS who demands total acquiescence.


  • Quentin

    Yes....So called old testement, love Genisis...gosples...not as much now, but still crack it open from time to time...

  • snowbird

    I meant contrast that with the WTS

    Control that with the WTS who demands total acquiescence.

    Tried to edit, but couldn't.


  • Blueblades

    Once I learned who actually wrote it and that it is a historical book written for the times that they were living in. I see no need to read it anymore.Having read it and re-read it and re-read it so that I lost count over the 33 years, I now know that God ain't talking to me from that book.


  • done4good

    No. But I do occasionally look up certain scriptures, even in the NWT, that the org never used to even MENTION, and find it amazing that I believed their bullshit for so long. There are many scriptures that completely blow jw theology out the door. You would have been yanked off the platform if you ever mentioned them during the BRH.


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