Any Americans understand this?....honest it's the English language

by ninja 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja

    edited to make link clickable ~ Scully

  • crankytoe

    A single word is about all I could understand,

  • ninja

    here is a scottish will hear him say..."here you...bolt ya nugget"...that means "excuse me ....go away you idiot"....lesson no.1 has concluded

  • stapler99

    I think I got the general gist, lots of drug references and threatening to "do yer ma". It took me a while to realise that he was saying "donkey's hernia" at one point, this seems like a random selection of words (maybe it's a common Glaswegian expression, I don't know.)

    Although I think I understand this sort of speech quite well, me trying to speak like that comes across as very forced. Och aye, min, ah cannie spik like they dee in Glasgow, it's afa hard, etc. etc.

  • ninja

    I understand stapley me old mucker......when I hear Scotty from Star Trek or Groundsman Willie from the Simpsons....they don't speak "real" Scottish....impostors....they are in no way unintelligible...........grrrr

  • jaguarbass

    I cant understand very much of it. It sounds like a neat song and video. I cant even understand monty python.

    In America the rule for rap songs is ,every first line has to have a word that rymes with bitch, Then the alternate lines have to ryme with nxga. Then the third line has to go with finga on the triga. And it builds from there with a few heys and growns and there it is's.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    What's difficult about it...made perfect sense to me.... what's wrong with you people? *lol* FF

  • Anti-Christ

    I got most of it but I'm not American. I thought the guy looked like an idiot.

  • bluebell

    i got some but i always find it hard to understand hip-hop/rap stuff anyhow (i sound so old lol) regardless of whether is a p***-take or the proper thing. loved the chav thing that was going on though!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I got a fair bit of it - just need him to sing a bit slower so I hear it all lol!

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