Shocking Video (Christian Fundamentalist)

by Sirona 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona


    I just saw this and I am really shocked by it.

    A young lady on stage (at a graduation ceremony) utters a prayer which condemns the intellect and using the mind, but then starts to have some kind of religious "experience" on stage.

    Very unusual and shocking.


  • Undecided

    Haven't you ever been to a southern Church of God service? They rool on the floor, speak some crazy speach and act like they are posessed by some kind of spirit. It's normal for them.

    Ken P.

  • IsaacJS2

    It was like E.T. (except E.T. didn't live up to the hype). I laughed, I cried...on the inside, at any rate. Aw man, that was weird. We don't have a lot of that where I live.

    Did you notice the older fellow to her left as he started shifting from foot to foot? Poor guy. Then that other fellow came up beside her and was like, "Okay, honey. That's enough. Okay now, let's wrap this puppy up... Any time now would be good. Here, let me have you speech so you'll stop talking. Are ya done yet? Come on, let's go." Then he tries to catch her as she starts to double over.

    I actually suspect this could be like that scene at the end of Police Academy. Wonder who was hiding beneath her podium?

    Sorry. I'm just awful. Go ahead, hit me.


  • funkyderek

    A sad example of someone obviously quite intelligent consciously rejecting reality and embracing mysticism. Of course, in the developed world she would have been laughed or booed off stage after the first few lines, but here she was applauded right up until she induced a sort of self-hypnosis. I liked the professionalism of the MC who called for an ambulance and then carried on as normal.

  • Sirona

    Wierd eh?

    Hey, I'm a pagan who chants and stomps my feet around a lit fire, but I've never seen anyone lose it like that.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Interesting that she started off by "repenting" for her peers. I'm sure the Jews, pagans, atheists, and Jehovah's Witnesses in the audience appreciated that! ;-)

    Funky's right, that MC really handled it well.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Seeing this gets me to wonder if there was any outside pressure she was getting (i.e. pastor, parents, ect) that made her feel that it was her special duty to 'do the will of the Lord' in that situation. Looks like she felt she was taking on the role of a Jeremiah, and at the end couldn't handle it any more.

  • Elsewhere

    She's been drinking too much Jebus Juice!

    (You're only supposed to sip from the cup!!!)

  • frankiespeakin

    Poor girl, judging from her speach, she was heavily indoctrinated with "praise the lord", and "we are all sinners". What a waste of talent, all brought on by worshipping a narsistic god who demands all the glory, and looks at his worshipper as good for nothing slaves.

  • daystar

    I'm tempted to pretend like .

    But I really feel more like .

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