New Light Coming?

by dontomas 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dontomas

    Hi - I have JW friends (really!) and have gone to KH for some talks and study every couple of weeks. Things like the new Watchtower policy, selling buildings (I am from NYC and know the Heights well - that will make a boatload of money), the sex abuse settlements, drop in membership and donations, and some of the changes I have seen in the magazine (the Annointed QFR, for example). I tried to engage the friend I study with on some of these things happening all at once and received the response that none of it mattered. I riposted that all of this happening all at once in any other church WOULD be a big deal. I would like to bring up the topic of "new light" in our next talk. What new light does anyone here see coming? I have a feeling anything goes will soon be the order of the day.


    Don Tomas

  • snowbird

    What new light does anyone here see coming? I have a feeling anything goes will soon be the order of the day.


    Don Tomas

    IP: 72IvX4wQ1bN0J/Jl

    I see 1914 going down the drain. When it goes, the whole WTS theology goes. By the way, there were other groups before the turn of the 20th century who thought 1914 to be a significant year. Some worked out the chronology from Leviticus chapter 26 where the Israelites were told they were going to be chastised 7 times for their sins. I prefer to stand firm on our Lord's words at Acts 1:7 which state that knowledge of times and seasons are for the Father - not us.


  • WTWizard

    I think things are going to get a lot harder on people that are still in as of when the Craptower splits up into the Showcase and Kool-Aid editions. They are going to be more inclined to ban things that they now frown on. They are going to be more likely to ban everyday things that do not directly pertain to the misery ministry. School, work, medical care, insurance, and sleep are strong possibilities that they are going to mess with. And they could become harsher in service requirements, placement requirements, hunting down faders or shunning inactive members, and even expecting everyone to go screeching around at all times. Gone could well be the coffee breaks, warming up/cooling off breaks, stopping to take your medication, and all other activity that happens during service that could slow things down.

    You don't think it could happen? Look what they did with gatherings and parties since 1980. They practically did away with it all. Look at the music: they first started dumping on the hard rock back in the 1970s. Then they took away the disco, funk, and rock in late 1983 followed by the rap and heavy metal in 1993. Alt rock was also shot down more recently (I missed that meeting, so I don't know exactly when). More and more, there is the "There are 225 songs you can listen to" theme when it comes to music. They are going after the entertainment altogether now, and the Watchtower is still open! Imagine what could well happen once the doctrines are closed to the public.

    No, I'm not saying that all these things will happen. What I am saying is that the current trend toward tightening up is going to persist and they are going to start cracking down on the people that try to leave. Anyone who is still in is going to be taking a horrible chance on what's down the pipe. Short of making the people take actual poison Kool-Aid or a shootout, they are going to force these people to break away from all normal life. And that in the name of "new light".

  • RollerDave

    WT Wizard, You crack me up!

    It's not that you are wrong per se, but you do seem to over-dramatize and exaggerate with wild abandon, peppering your screed with catchy phrases and vitriol.

    I like it.

    I look forward to reading your posts, seeing whether you introduce a new catch-phrase, or whether you will manage to shoehorn in a plug for , which, by the way is an awesome site, the most up to date I've seen!

    No seriously, I do enjoy your posts, I do like the site, and I do not think you are entirely wrong in your dire predictions.

    Although I picture them trying to ban sleep when the average dub can't even stay awake thru a whole ASSembly...

    Ushers with 'poking sticks?"


  • WTWizard

    I believe in hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. That's why I would rather post something that is ridiculously outrageous, and be wrong, than be more sensible in posting only what I know for sure is coming and be wrong that way.

    Why? What's the worst that can happen if I post something outrageous and I am wrong? Someone can be scared out of a bad organization, or can find their way out. Then the dire event doesn't come to pass. They are still saved all the hassle of service and going to the meeting, and they lose nothing. They might spook others out of the organization, and they too will be saved the aggravation of getting ready for meetings and service. They will not have to worry about their children growing up without worldly associations, and they can celebrate Christmas and birthdays. Plus there is the peace of mind coming from knowing that you don't have to worry about what crap they are coming up with next. Sort of like pedaling past $3 a gallon gas anticipating $4 gas.

    What is the worst that could happen if I post more mainstream, predictable "It won't be that bad" posts and get it wrong? Someone will think it isn't that bad, and continue to waste their time and gas supporting an already bad criminal organization. Then they ban something like sleep, or they crack down on fading or leaving; effectively putting the members in a closed circuit. They didn't see it coming. And now it's too late. Their lives are effectively sealed to an extreme degree. And there is no fun at all, ever. Children get zero experiences of any kind of fun and grow up depressed to an even worse degree than is going on now. And the criminal organization behind it grows even fatter.

    This is why I am dramatic. I may be wrong more than not, but at least when I am wrong, I am already saving people from merely bad. If I am right, it saves them from even worse. The lesson is to prepare for the worst now, and get out. Then you won't have to worry about being directly affected when (if) the dreaded events happen. You will still have to worry about those who don't get out (especially if they are family members), but at least you will be safe. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

  • dedpoet

    Hi dontomas

    "New light" tends to flash when time is running out on a prophecy, like the
    "this generation (those who remember 1914) will by no means pass away
    before the end comes" one, which they had to change in 1995 when the
    1914 generation was dying off rapidly. That so-called prophecy was well
    on the way to failing miserably, just like all their earlier prophecies have done,
    so they changed it to "any generation" that won't accept the truth, which has
    rendered it completely meaningless.

    The "new light" on the anointed covers their asses if members question why
    the number of memorial partakers never falls, and sometimes increases -
    they are still being gathered of course! Since the anointed have, according
    to them, be gathered before "the end", armageddon is once more postponed,
    which again buys them time.

    Any future "new light" is likely to be for the same reasons - one of their doctrines
    is about to fail and they need to change it to escape the embarassment of having
    to explain why. I'd say they might get a flash or two about their 1914 theory in
    the next few years.

    I don't know if you are interested in becoming a jw, but if you are I advise you to
    think long and hard before making a commitment, and do plenty of research into
    the watchtower. The link below is to one of the Quotes sites, an excellent resource
    for old watchtower publications. You can see what they did with the 1914 generation
    idea there.

  • dontomas

    I was somewhat interested in becming a JW and do actually agree with some of the doctrines. I am less so now that I have been involved in it a little more - the non-stop broken record harping on the the slave class, annointed, whatever has quite turned me off. There is enough of this elitist nonsense in the real world.

    Don Tomas

  • dedpoet

    Hi again dontomas,

    It looks like you are beginning to see through it all before it's too late!

    One thing you might ask your study conductor, and you can research it
    in advance from the Quotes site, is about 1975. When I joined the org in
    the early 90's, all I knew about jws was their no-blood policy, that they
    knocked on doors, and I remembered their campaign during the late 60's
    and early 70's regarding the world ending in 1975. I asked about that, and
    was told that they in fact hadn't prophesied that armageddon was coming
    in 1975, but that a few jws had run ahead of the society and said that it was
    coming. Reading through Quotes and other sites I've looked at, it's clear that
    they preached the 1975 idea relentlessly during the 8 or 9 years leading up
    to it.

    Throughout their existence, they have made similar prophecies, such as
    "millions now living will never die", which was written in 1920, with the idea
    that armageddon was coming in 1925, which it obviously didn't. The average
    jw isn't aware of the watchtower's true history, which is presumably why your
    study conductor told you that the things you asked about don't matter. As for
    the generation change, which occurred during my time in the org. I've heard
    jws declare that they have always taught the current thought, meaningless
    as it is, when I know from experience they clearly have not. The watchtower
    seems to somehow be able to induce a kind of collective amnesia among it's
    followers, which enables them to discard things they've taught for years, or
    even decades, which is the case with the gathering of the anointed - they
    taught that that was completed apart from replacements in 1935 until the
    May qfr. Now it is still taking place - a convenient excuse for the fact that
    the number of partakers at the memorial never falls by much, and often

    If you carry on with your study, I have a feeling that the conductor is in
    for a very interesting session or two. Keep us posted on how it goes.


  • Marcel

    1914 and blood policy. but it will take a while.

  • metatron

    I challenge anyone here to tell me exactly why the Society "needs" to change anything.

    Why not just repeat the same nonsense over and over indefinitely? What difference do facts make?

    As long as Witlesses go along with idiocy, why come up with any "new truth"?


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