Why Entertainment Got Banned in the Watchtower

by WTWizard 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/115757/1.ashx . There is a thread with the resolution that, among other things, effectively banned entertainment, putting it in the same league as porn and drunkenness. But why would they ban entertainment? For sure it can't all be dirty!

    Here's one possible reason why. Supposing that someone gets a Game Boy and plays Pokemon on it. There is nothing wrong with that game itself. But it can take 20 or more hours to finish the game, and then there is the trading of Pokemon from one game to another. All this takes time that the Tower feels should be spent out placing Craptower material.

    Why not play it while en route to calls? Simple: Supposing you are battling to get out of the hometown. You reach the first grassy patch and the Professor is being attacked by a pokemon. Your task is to take a Pokemon out of his bag and save him. So you select one and get in a hit or two. Just then, the car screeches to a stop at the territory. You are in the middle of the battle, and cannot save the game yet. It will be perhaps one more hit before you win the battle plus another 15 seconds to save the game. That is about 30 or 40 seconds before you can save that game. And that is time you should be out placing Craptower material.

    And what are you going to be thinking of? For sure, not what calls you have nearby or what you are going to say to place the Craptower magazines or books. You are likely to be planning on catching that Taillow or Zigzagoon. You are going to be thinking ahead in your game. Battle strategy, essential to moving forward in this game, requires thinking ahead. And you will not be effective in planning on your next call, which the Tower places as more important than some lousy game.

    What about playing the game while at home? When? What are they going to say if you choose to go in at noon on Saturday? There had better be a damn good reason, and playing a video game or puzzle is not going to cut it. You might play your game for a couple of hours, but they are thinking that every minute you are away from service, you are murdering another person that could have been contacted. So, instead of going after that first gym badge, you have to keep plugging away in the misery. All day you have to continue. By the time they see fit to call it quits, there is no time for your game anyway.

    With all the changes that have taken place since 1879 in this religion, there is a definite trend toward every yoctosecond that can be utilized in service being accounted for. Any time that can be taken away from other pursuits and usurped by the misery must be done accordingly, or you are murdering people by not reaching them. Bluntly put, you cannot be playing and serving Jehovah at the same time, and serving Jehovah is supposed to come first at any given time. Hence, entertainment must fall by the wayside to make room for this insane ministry. Look for more details once the 2008 Kool-Aid edition of the Craptower becomes reality.

  • Crumpet

    I think this is an exaggerated account but not far off the truth at all!

  • WTWizard

    Exaggerated--maybe. But, the rate they are going, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it became an understatement within a few years. I mean, doing away with congregation gatherings, shoehorning service at 5:30 in the morning and 3:00 in the afternoon so people can go out before work and after school, banning larger gatherings, and so much that trends toward this. I think within a few years after the Kool=Aid edition of the Craptower comes out, they will start affirming the ban and making it at least as bad as porn and materialism, if not drunkenness.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's simply that a mind-control cult wants to dictate all portions of the members' lives.
    The WTS used to say entertainment needs balance, but they really meant that
    members had to give it a backseat to indoctrination sessions and magazine sales.

    Now their grip is slipping on many members, so they realize that balance is allowing
    members to enjoy some of their life with movies, television, vacations, etc.

    So it is theorized that the GB (which has unsurprisingly been tightening it's grip) will
    have to crack down on more of what members are doing instead of selling magazines
    and going to indoctrination sessions.

    Your playing a "gameboy on the way to a call" example is totally unacceptable to
    the WTS. You should be talking spiritual stuff, enforcing your indoctrination on others
    in the car, and vise-versa. They don't even want members to discuss sports and
    entertainment while selling mags.

  • greendawn

    It goes to show that they are running this org like the military, it is a grim and dry environment and existence certainly not natural for youngsters that want to enjoy life. Above all the interests of the org must be served.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    My daughter-in-law gave a very nice baby shower for her cousin's wife a couple of years ago. She spent a substantial amount of money on it and there were three games--very simple games, nothing dirty. The next day at the Kingdom two elders approached her and counselled her about the games at her shower. They actually read her something from one of the publications. She told me about it when she got home from the hall, and I asked what reference they used, and she couldn't remember--she said she was too shocked. I was shocked too because over the years I've attended dozens of showers--given several myself--and we always had lots of games. The only good thing about this was that she started missing a lot of meetings, and now doesn't attend at all.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    It's simply about control, control, control. The rank and file already view the "Governing Body" as God himself, so anything they say must come directly from God. If they succeed in "demonizing" everything, including even some of the most normal human activities, followers have nowhere else to turn but inwards ... to the "Organization". Of course they could always turn outward instead ... but then again ... indoctrination runs deep.

  • WTWizard
    Your playing a "gameboy on the way to a call" example is totally unacceptable to
    the WTS. You should be talking spiritual stuff, enforcing your indoctrination on others
    in the car, and vise-versa. They don't even want members to discuss sports and
    entertainment while selling mags.

    And you should be spending ALL of your time doing theocraptic things like service and meetings. This means there will be no time later for the Game Boy.

    In fact, they have bad things to say about all entertainment. Watching TV takes away from studying the Craptower material and from meetings and service. Playing Pokemon at home also takes from service (who is going to be thinking of researching that call on the Born-Again while worrying about that next gym badge!) or studying Craptower material. Playing any games or sports of any kind takes away from time that you should be spending in the misery. Watching a movie steals up to 2 hours from service plus about $10 or more (depending on the time of day you are watching the movie) that could have been spent protecting pedophiles within the ranks. Even such things like watching the clouds or looking at spring flowers or fall foliage detracts from the Kingdumb message--you should be focused on what you are going to say at the next door or finding that next call that's nearby.

    Everything is geared to cramming in the maximum amount of placements per hour, and then spending the maximum amount of time in the misery. Entertainment is "stealing from Jehovah". And then part of what is supposed to draw people into Jehovah's organization is the appeal to enjoy natural things. This is just one more reason why I would not want to live in Jehovah's Paradise. It would be wrong to enjoy any of it.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    60 years ago when TV was getting off the ground, assembly speakers railed againt it too as a time waster.

  • WTWizard

    60 years ago, it was the TV. I bet 100 years ago it was radio. Now, of course it's the Internet. In the 1980s it was video games. Anything that provides any outlet for people is going to get crushed by this tyrannical organization.

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