Attention former elders and ms: I have a question.

by R.F. 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • timmycat

    Hi I was wondering seeing that you were an elder if you could help me with a query. I would like to know what sort of records or information the congregations keep on their publishers, for example there conduct, or past transgressions, their being inactive, or marrying out of the truth, problems they have had with others in the truth, or anything they may assume of them. Also who is privy to these records, and if a new elder comes to the congregation is he allowed to view these personal files. I am so against it, I really believe we should be able to view our own personal information, and I I certainly would like to know what they are allowed to keep and show. I also am concerned that those that are married could leek certain things to their wives about others.Thanks for any help.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Timmycat asked:

    ...what sort of records or information the congregations keep on their publishers, .......conduct, or
    past transgressions, their being inactive, or marrying out of the truth, problems they have had with
    others in the truth, or anything they may assume of them.

    There are no official records of nonjudicial matters kept. Elders generally just know these things, and tell new elders.
    An exception would be "Letters of Introduction." If a publisher moved to a congregation with these things written
    on his letter, they would keep it in a file. Any judicial matters are on record.

    Also who is privy to these records, and if a new elder comes to the congregation is he allowed to view
    these personal files.

    Any new elders would be able to read letters of introduction and judicial matters. Normally, elders not involved
    don't read results of judicial matters, but they could if they just use their key and open the files.

    I certainly would like to know what they are allowed to keep and show. I also am concerned that those
    that are married could leek certain things to their wives about others.

    They will never show more than the publisher's card to the publishers, but telling wives is extremely common. If
    some don't tell their wife (many are good about it) some other wife finds out and tells everyone else.

  • timmycat

    Thank's so much Onthewayout...that was very helpful. I read you're profile info...what was it precisly that made you start to doubt, as I believe to look things up and do other research from others especially on controversal things such as 1914 could seem that you were not happy prior. I hope that things will work out for you and you're family.

    My biggest problem is the lack of love and feeling like an apostate even if I question anything. I truely love Jehovah and want to follow Jesus example as a Christian, but I feel that certain things the elders in the congo; bypass and feel as insignificant to me is worse than someone that may fall and have a cigerette and stop than someone that continually is nasty and a troublemaker, but they seem not to be able to do anything about this because they dont commit a grave sin, I think that is far worse as it makes one feel like dirt, why do they allow these nutters in the congregation to abuse and show no genuine love, I really am so angry about this.


  • timmycat

    and with the 2008 Craptower arrangement looming ahead

    What is the 2008 arrangement.........I know that the w/t will only be for study not for public but have not heard anything else

  • jgnat

    It's commendable that you have such an eager spirit, timmycat. But you've picked the wrong religion for justice. Why don't you go find another church that takes the love commandments more seriously?

    2Cr 12:19 Have you been thinking all along that we have been defending ourselves before you? It is in the sight of God that we have been speaking in Christ, and all for your upbuilding, beloved.
    2Cr 12:20 For I fear that perhaps I may come and find you not what I wish, and that you may find me not what you wish; that perhaps there may be quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, slander, gossip, conceit, and disorder.
    2Cr 12:21 I fear that when I come again my God may humble me before you, and I may have to mourn over many of those who sinned before and have not repented of the impurity, immorality, and licentiousness which they have practiced.
  • timmycat

    I thought 2 cor 12:20 appropriate.

  • willyloman

    I usually support The Fade when there are family or business ties at stake. But I view fading as a short-term strategy. You fade to buy time to make new friends and develop other interests. That way, when the inevitable day comes that you are confronted, you are in position to not care. Or at least not to care as much. I agree a long-term fade in which you remain attached to the hip to family and dub "friends" is almost unworkable. It's a a process and will unfold at its own speed, depending on your personal circumstances.

    I have faded, along with my entire family, with one exception - a grown daughter who was being literally stalked by the elders and other members of her former congo. They dropped by her house unannounced. Left notes on her door. They even came into her place of business and wanted to talk with her while she was busy with customers! She wanted it to stop immediately. I advised her to DA and helped her write the letter. She got the desired result and is happy with her decision. So there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this dilemma. You gotta do what works for you.

  • NYCkid


    I'm a former M.S. It looks like you've gotten tons of advice. I echo some of the expressions that advise you to resign for personal reasons, but don't reveal any other information. Some of the elders or friends might try to pressure you to say something is wrong. Just smile and say something like, you want to spend more time in the ministry or something.

    From my experience, the elders were cool with me resigning for personal reasons (the load is too much, etc). Months later after I began fading by missing meetings they got me though. I good buddy of mine (he wasn't an elder or m.s.) and I went skiing and he kept pressuring me to "talk to the elders" to try to resolve whatever it was that was bothering me and keeping me from meetings. I did it more as a favor to my friend than anything else and of course I got screwed in the end.

    My advice, resign, keep you mouth zipped and enjoy the fade...

    Best wishes!


  • BluesBrother

    The elders do not want to lose a M/S , it means more work for the rest and possibly for the, . If you want to come off because of health they will say just take a rest without assignment for a while. I have seen some being idle for at least a year. When I was resigning as an elder they really did not want to lose this self confessed "depressive" with some doubts about "The Truth" .

    It was only when I confided to the C/O about what was was in his eyes a secret sin - I loved and had a collection of "Heavy Metal Music" - well it was sort of true - then he took off the B of E straight away. After that they took no notice of whatsoever in the hall.

  • BluesBrother

    Sorry - double post !

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