Internet Message Boards

by joannadandy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    EEK! So what does that make ME? Reliving my second childhood?

    Actually, I just encountered an older genious that really set me back on my heels. I'm just wrapping up "The Idiot" by Doestoevsky.

    There's a scene where two women, spitting nails, really go at it with each other. I am bowled over how much this man CAPTURES the feminine heart and mind. Both the noble and ugly bits. The utter SPITEFULNESS that women can go at each other. Another scene, also, where this cultured maiden yearns to break free from convention and do something WONDERFUL with her life. Also a spot-on feminine observation. This was all written before the turn of the twentieth century!

    It makes me wonder, again, if there is anything new under the sun?

    Great book - I do so love when dusty old book reveal human nature - it's comforting and yet sort of sad to realize somethings never change.

  • joannadandy
    Connection. It's been beneficial on the JWD. I felt alone for more than thirty years and here I found I'm not alone. I've gotten much closer to zero because of it.

    What if that connection limits your growth? Limits potential to see beyond? That's what I'm talking about. I don't dismiss the friendships formed here - and that the bonds feel real - I don't even dimiss them as being anything but real. However, how much does that connection allow us to instead of objectively looking at our situations to gloss over what's happening in our lives with an ancedotal once over of "me too." Is it really a me too? Do we ever know all the factors in any situation?

  • joannadandy
    Ther reason were all here is because we are not all here. Life is a deadly disease.

    A lot of truth in that - makes me question - why am I still here?

  • joannadandy
    Place for healing and connection or co-dependent feeding frenzy?

    LMAO - well said sir.

  • joannadandy
    For awhile after I left, I thought maybe I'd lose my mind. Couldn't handle the utter dissillution of finding the "truth" about the truth. I know reading posts on this board helped me.

    I was there too - but I guess my querry is at further down the line in the healing process. When four years later I still know the truth is not the truth - it doesn't phase me, I don't even think about it. So when is it time to move on and realize re-hashing doesn't suit my purpose. If I've truly forgiven my past and made it my past ... why do I still about it as if it's the present?

  • joannadandy

    i think im too busy wiping off the drool from my keyboard to think about what an internet discussion forum is for... maybe so i can drool... joanna... i think ive fallen for you!!! woot, not only do you live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, but damn girl..... youve made the infamous one blush, and thats almost impossible

    the infamous one

    Good god man - they're just boobs -

  • juni

    Hi JoannaDandy! Nice to see you post.

    I feel they serve a purpose for every person whatever their needs are. But also I feel one needs to be balanced. Everyone needs to live and enjoy friends and family also.


  • juni

    Hi JoannaDandy! Nice to see you post.

    I feel they serve a purpose for every person whatever their needs are. But also I feel one needs to be balanced. Everyone needs to live and enjoy friends and family also.


  • joannadandy

    Internet Message Boards........................putting Psychiatrists out of business.


    And yet helping average Joe Blow's believe they are therapists - diagnosing and treating each other. (Yeah and I am totally guilty of that too). How much healing goes on when both parties are ill?

  • joannadandy

    Agreed Juni - balance is a good thing.

    I think having a support network off the boards is crucial -- someone to help take the sting out of the ex-jw stuff. I really believe it helps to get a perspective on life other than just the lens of being an ex-jw. Sure at first - it's great to feel "I'm not alone" -- but I wonder how much that creates a complex of "No one but ex-jw's can ever understand me." - to me that seems dangerous and limiting as well. And yet - I used to believe it was true.

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