Bible infallible?

by Shawn10538 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Shawn10538

    I am wondering how many of the folks on this site believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God. Post your replies if you are. Can I get an amen?
    I have two or three argumnts that I'd like to have commented on for you Bible thumpers out there.

    If the Bible is infallible and presents history that is 100% acurate, that means that Job and his companions were speaking to each other in verse not prose. If they were not speaking in verse (which is highly umlikely, then what we have in the book of Job is a really long epic poem - a didactic fictional story - or a series of poems. This is proof that the Bible is not infallible to me. How can it be if it paraphrases what people are saying or puts a person's words in a poem as a work of fictional art.

    Also, if the Bible is infallible, then all paraphrases or wrong translations are not true. Only the one REAL translation, in Greek or whatever language can be infallible, since the process of translating is an imperfect one.

    I'm assuming that infallible means perfect, unable to make a mistake - can't be wrong on any point no matter how significant.

    I have a feeling that most people who believe in the Bible believe that it is inspired but imperfect. This would be a more reasonable way to believe in the Bible.
    I'm curious as to how many hjere believe option B, inspired and imperfect.

  • garybuss

    Why can't the Bible be infallible fable?

  • LtCmd.Lore

    No I don't think the Bible is infallible, or the word of god.

    I could argue that the events recorded in Star Wars are infallible. Just as long as I'm allowed to write any event off as symbolic or scribal directors error.


  • PrimateDave

    Literature, poetry, and myth, with some history thrown in for good measure. Word of men? Yes. Infallible? No.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    "I have a feeling that most people who believe in the Bible believe that it is inspired but imperfect. This would be a more reasonable way to believe in the Bible." - Shawn10538

    An individual has to consider such factors as translation errors, deliberate manipulation
    and tampering of the Bible by religious organizations. However, I believe the Bible has
    its place in society and it carries practical advice and lessons on how to live.

    Is the Bible infallible? Probably not but an open-minded individual should allow that
    parts of it could be inspired by God.

    Good thought provoking questions.


    The Wanderer

  • Marcel

    the bible is infallible! -> how can you know? god inspired it! and he surely cared for his word! -> how do you know god did it? he told us in the bible! -> how do you know that this is true? -> the bible is infallible!

    i believe thats a tough question. if you use (wordly) logic its nearly impossible that the bible is infallible (so old, so many humans with the chances to alter it - with intention and not) and you cant have proof for it. to me it sounds on many passages embarassing human. BUT! if you want to believe there is a way to proof thats infallible! simple: if its his word god cared for it! WOULD YOU DARE TO BELIEVE THAT GOD WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE IS INCAPABLE TO CARE FOR HIS BOOK?! WOULD YA?! *guilt* even if all humans who wrote and translated the bible were fallible he would guide them invisibly that all needed information will survive. and passages which sound human are just like that: written by humans with a small viewpoint. but of course the important information is in there nevertheless.
    thats the way i saw it as a good JW. and thats how the WT tells us.

    its circular logic again, but who cares. believing is not about calculating. believing is to see things that arent there. simple stuff. (thats why the apostles and early christians didnt believe. they KNEW... in my opinion...)

  • Navigator

    The bible has some great stuff, but certainly is not infallible, not in the original nor in the subsequent translations. It is no strange thing that Jesus did not encourage his disciples to write down what he was teaching. Perhaps he knew that it would be corrupted, added on to, and manipulated to support man made religious doctrine. I see the practice of "Bibliolotry:" no less disgusting that the prohibited practice of idolotry.

  • bigdreaux

    here is a very long, sometimes strange video about the bible. if you watch it all the way through, all 2 hours of it, i think you will see the bible in another way. it's very interesting if you have the time or desire to see it.

  • bigdreaux

    oops, that link doesn't work. just go to google video and type the naked truth. it'll pop up.

  • greendawn

    I believe that it is true in its basic principles and history but it would be too much to say that it is totally infallible since it was written by humans and copied and recopied numerous times before coming to us.

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