
by Vernon Williams 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    In Christ, by Shared Concerns and a Common History,


    My name is Vernon Williams. I live in Monett, MO. Our town is about fifty miles West a tad South of Springfield. I am a 52. My wife and I have been married 32 years and have three children. I founded this site to assist others:

    I just wanted to say "Hi" and post, occasionaly, as there are some wonderful posts written, here. I use to post on Channel C at Beacon Light, however, was "booted" due to supporting some thoughts of a brother named James Caputo. I do not hold a grudge against Channel C (and, I do not agree, fully, with James) , however, need a place to "vent" and post, now and then.

    I am off to work at the chicken hatchery where I work as a mechanic. So, will leave all after this brief intro.

    Yours in this Journey,


  • Crumpet

    Welcome to the board Vernon - feel free to vent!

  • HappyDad

    Hi Vernon......and welcome.

    Just checked your website and want to say that I like the style and theme of it. It's something different from the others and is very appealing. That's what is so nice about all sites. The site that may appeal to one person might not for another and vice versa. I have a feeling that you are going to get a lot of positive feedback on yours.

    I wish you the best on your endeavors.


  • poppers

    Welcome Vernon- I've bookmarked your site.

  • truthsetsonefree
    I am off to work at the chicken hatchery where I work as a mechanic

    Its amazing how there are mechanics in the most unlikely places! I was a mechanic at the Postal Service for many years.

    I saw your site. I really like the "Are You Exhausted" section as this is one of the biggest problems and complaints in that religion.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Welcome Vernon. Does Mo stand for Missouri. If it does then you are from the same state Rutherford was born in. How poetic that your help comes from the same state where that jerk started his life on a farm. Kick ass dude!

  • garybuss

    I know right where you are. I have a friend who had a chicken farm just east of Washburn. I'd go down and stay with him in the 90's. He's back up here now to be near family. It's a nice area. I like the people and the food and no mosquitoes in summer. How's that work?

    Welcome to the forum. Don't worry too much about Channel C. Ros wouldn't even let me join when I asked. At least you got signed up :-)

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Thank you for the welcome.

  • penny2

    Hi Vernon, look forward to hearing more from you!

  • Sirona


    Your website is excellent.


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