What can I possibly do..........

by passive suicide 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • RollerDave

    That's an AMAZINGLY good suggestion.

    I have found that the average dub thinks they have a monopoly on virtue, and that just because 'worldly people do X' it means EVERY worldly person does X.

    They are also so conviced of the purity and truthfulness of their doctrine that it simply makes no sense to them that people leave because of any other reason than the call of sin.

    Another one here told his wife the same, and got her to agree not to get involved, something to the effect of, 'tell the elders to talk to me directly. and it seemed to work.

    Best of luck avoiding the inquisition and keeping your family,


  • jgnat

    Great point, Almost Athiest. I've got to remember that. Roller Dave, you are on to something here: 'tell the elders to talk to me directly".

    It grits my teeth that elders think it is their God-given right to get between a husband and a wife. It's not like I took my vows with THEM for God's sake. I use the headship arrangement to protect myself from their interference. I tell my husband point-blank that I care what HE thinks, and the elders have no headship over me.

    I think you can take a similar stand, PS. Get your wife to promise that if she is given spiritual counsel regarding her marraige, that she tell them to speak to you directly.

  • mouthy

    Every good wish......don't let things get you down....

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Thanks alot to everyone who took the time to consider my situation! Great insights, and support. For the time being I've decided to keep my thoughts, and feelings on things mostly to myself. My child brings up many things pertaining to 'The Truth', and it's then, when we are one on one, that I'm trying to bring balance into her thinking process. As far as the name 'Passive suicide', someone hit it right on the head when they guessed it meant waiting for Jah to take me out at the end. I have NO thoughts of doin' it myself....so please have no concern for that. I do share the thought, that if this were the truth, and I was to die for my thoughts, and actions, then so be it. I've read a few books, that have been very helpful so far, and will continue to read more.....the next on my list being 'Crisis of Conc.' May I also recommend: 'Who wrote the bible', by Friedman ' The end of Faith', by Sam Harris , as well. I definitley feel myself leaning heavily towards becoming Agnostic....and feel fairly content with it. As my feelings have not been shared fully with my wife....I will only be able to check in periodically. Again, thank you for all the insights, and it's a RELIEF to be able to express myself to people of simular circumstance. PS.

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