Was it ever to your advantage to say that you were a JW?

by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    It really rubs me raw when you JW's love to throw off on the ministers of Christendom, while your organization does all that and even worse.

    This is what drove me out of your cult in the first place, because the JW's at the kingdom hall were always trying to slander Christendom, but I had church going family that lived clean,moral, and godly lives, and they dispelled that myth.

    Your organization is going down, you know it, and you are pissed.

    tough turkey.

  • ex-nj-jw
    I for one enjoy how some at my job will not curse and tell dirty jokes around me out of respect, knowing I am a JW and do not talk like that, whereas they have no problem talking that way around the professed Christian Ministers who join in right along with them. That is a great advantage in that you are not subject to obscence speech all day long.

    I doubt that it's out of respect, they just know you are a prude and can't handle real life and a little fun. Life does not have to be so rigid and uptight, let loose a little and get the stick out of your A$$!! I work with a JW, and whenever she hears me curse she says "stop that cusing", I tell her that I'm a grown A$$ woman and can speak the way I want to, I don't tell her not to read her Wactower!! But, it's ok for her to talk about the person that sit's next to her like a dog, behind her back of course all while smiling in her face!! Hypocrite and back stabbing.

    I never admitted being a JW and when people found out I was it was embarrassing, There was nothing about being a JW that I enjoyed!!!! Absolutelty nothing!!


  • agapa37

    Junction guy I am sorry my post wasn't intended to dog ministers, I was just conveying a real life personal experience. I know there are many good people out there outside of the JWS, many are even better people than some professed JWS( notice my initial post I included Jws among phonies). My point was is that yes there are advantages of being associated with the JWS only if you are acting in a manner to show evidence of your affiliation.

  • Finally-Free
    Was it ever to your advantage to say that you were a JW?

    Absolutely!!! I'm a stingy bastard, so I got out of buying Christmas and Birthday presents for people. That gave me extra money to spend on myself!


  • greendawn

    Even though the FDS claims in his propaganda that JWs are thought of as being more honest therefore trusted by employers (of course most dubs are not well educated also as a matter of policy by the org which strongly discourages university education) and likely to be taken on, my impression was that most people think of JWs as being freaks mainly due to the many needless deaths caused by the blood ban. I thought that's how people consider me and never believed it was an advantage to be a JW but rather a stigma: if you had children would you let them die by refusing them blood should the need arise?

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