"Mature" JW's READ THIS:

by Honesty 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bubble

    Oi Beroean, shouldn't you be at the meeting or in field ministry? It is SUNDAY remember. Instead you are wasting your time (or perhaps counting your time?) talking to apostates on the Internet (haven't you had a Watchtower article dealing with the dangers of this?).

    Noone really cares what you think, unless you are really here because you have doubts of some kind (my money's on that option) in which case you are welcome. But get to the point and stop berating us, we are all liberated and happy now and we don't need people like you telling us we're not.




    I believe this thread invited "Mature JW's to read these posts. But, like many apostates, when the rules are no longer in your favor, you want to change them. I believe it goes something like, "People who live in glass houses....."

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Hi Beroean,

    Have you ever heard the fog horn in the channel or seen the light from the lighthouse before the rocks.Have you ever seen a mother screaming stop! when a toddler runs towards the highway.Some of us are on constant alert warning others not to buy into the watchtower scam because we don't like to see other people getting hurt ,not just from the Borg ,but from any hidden danger you care to mention.Why the emphasis on the Brooklyn Bother Boys? answer ; because we have been there done that,bought the watchtower and they are not exactly the boy scouts.

    Regards Edmond.

  • coffee_black

    Sorry I didn't see your answer to my post... I really am not on here much... But to respond to your question about why people can't let it go... let me explain something you may not understand.

    When someone realizes that they have been deceived by an organization that they fully trusted with their lives, it is extremely painful. Everything you once believed now crumbles before your eyes, and everyone you hold dear shuns you. The normal response to this is a process that involves anger, sadness, depression, confusion and more. Your whole life is turned upside down as you try to search for answers. It takes time and a lot of effort to rebuild your life, establish new friendships and a new belief system etc. You see on this board people in various stages of recovery (and yes it is a process of recovering) This process can take years. Some on this board have recently discovered the true nature of the wt. They are justifiably angry, and express it here.

    Many of us, having been through the process, feel we must help others because we know what it's like. We want to encourage them that things do get better, and they truly can have a great life outside the wt. You may not know it, but there have been some who have committed suicide because of the devestation that the wt has inflicted on their lives.

    This is a place where people can express their feelings and be understood. They can vent and share their thoughts with others who have been there. They can ask questions and not fear reprisal. It is an important safety net, a place ultimately for healing.

    You don't understand it because you haven't yet discovered what you are really involved in. When that time comes, and it will, you will be grateful that a board like this exists.


  • golf2

    It also said, "...or from any source..." which would include them !!!!


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