Life's Short. Get A Divorce

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That's the sign that was put up by divorce lawyer Corri Fetman in Chicago.

    Do you agree with that sentiment? Since life's so short, and you're not happy with your mate, just get a divorce?

  • JH
    you're not happy with your mate, just get a divorce?

    I don't know about a mate, but I would never get rid of my pet, not that we're married....

  • stillajwexelder

    No - patience may enhance the marriage

  • minimus

    I know many older couples that were thoroughly miserable but would never get a divorce because of the stigma. Now, more married get divorced than stay together.

  • JH

    I solved the problem by not getting married

  • themonster123

    No I don't agree with that. What is the solidarity of marriage then? Marriage is becoming more and more just like "Dating-Level 2."

  • Tristram

    I don't agree with the sentiment, but really like the ad...


  • themonster123

    h aha funny ad

  • restrangled

    Excellent catch Minimus...if you don't really consider the context and are looking at the bods, it's east to overlook the real intent.

    It isn't a public service announcement...if it was it would read.... Lifes short, don't get married

    But it is the farthest thing from a public service is scum bag lawyer only after your money....if that means encouraging you to break up your marriage So What??? I can hear them in the offices now justifying it by saying "If people are stupid enough to do it, then they shouldn't be married anyway"

    r's hubby

  • jaguarbass

    I agree with restrangled lawyers make their money off other peoples misfortune. The lawyer in this case is trying to create a need and then he wants to fill it.

    Mariage is a financial arrangement to share debt, expenses and profit.

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