Can You See Yourself With Someone Nearly 20 Years Your Junior?

by The wanderer 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Can You See Yourself With Someone Nearly 20 Years Your Junior?

    I happen to work with a young woman who is 19 years my junior.
    She is 21 and I am 40 years old. Recently, she let me know how
    much she cared for me and liked me and that she has affection for me.

    Caught In The Crossfire

    Naturally, this caught me off guard and off balance. However, I returned
    the “love” and told her more or less the same.

    Truthfully, though, I am not comfortable with someone nearly 20 years
    my junior and it could prove to be problematic.

    Please do not say sleep with her because I still have the old morality code
    of being a Jehovah’s Witness and besides I am not the type of person to
    sleep around with anyone. I would have to love a person in order to do that.

    What advice can you offer about this situation?


    The Wanderer

  • ninja

    why would I want to go out with a foetus????....he he I wish.......wrinkly ninjy...

  • ninja

    are you married mate?

  • found-my-way

    As long as you both communicate similarily and have a connection that is beyond physical....and have alot in common to talk about, and do things together that you both enjoy, and if you both enjoy one another's company and you get along great, then age shouldn't be a factor.

    just my two cents.

  • juni

    Personally no. I wouldn't date someone the age of my oldest son.

    I just wouldn't go backwards and have to deal w/someone younger's insecurities and lack of maturity and wisdom. Sexually? It would be great. But in the long run? It wouldn't be for me.


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Why not date and see how things develop? Relationships depend on so much more than age. If you are attracted to her and have enough things in common to hold a decent conversation I would say go for it. 40 is by no means old!!

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    No, I am not married. I think think Juni has
    a great point.


    The Wanderer

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't judge in this situation. Many men or women like a person for different reasons.
    Just because you or I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone 20 or so
    years younger doesn't mean there's anything wrong with someone else's enjoying
    that. I know you aren't condemning this type of thing, just saying.

    Just be straight up. "I do like you, but I didn't want you to misunderstand me. I don't
    ever see us being more than colleagues/coworkers/friends (most appropriate word)
    because I'm really looking for someone closer to my age. I am flattered that a
    young girl like you would be interested in an old goat like me."

  • dedpoet

    It would depend on the respective ages.

    If I was 70, for example, then I would have no qualms about dating a 50 year old.
    At 40, I doubt I would have dated a 21 year old though.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Sorry, found my way I missed your comments. I see
    your point as well too. However, I feel like her
    "daddy" more then her boyfriend or lover.

    If people see us together they will say I love
    your daughter and then I will say that's my
    girlfriend not my daughter.

    Do you see the arkwardness in this situation?


    The Wanderer

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