"Another' false prophecy! :)

by Gayle 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    I forgot about this! In the early 70's at Bethel, Knorr spoke down at breakfast commented about a Brooklyn Heights news article then about JWs, complaining that JWs were taking over Brooklyn Heights. He chuckled saying, "We are not only just taking over Brooklyn Heights, but over the whole world!" We all chuckled (me too :( . He would be rolling over in his grave (or where ever) that JWs are selling out Brooklyn Heights, and getting out of Brooklyn Heights altogether is the plan and have not taken over the world in 30+ years either.

  • OnTheWayOut
    "We are not only just taking over Brooklyn Heights, but over the whole world!"

    Did clouds form all around him, or otherwise, did the room get dark?
    Did thunder or loud organ music come from nowhere?
    Did horns or fangs temporarily protrude from his head/face?
    Did he rub his hands together as he said this?

    I don't know who will take over the whole world first- Bill Gates, Disney Corporation, or Coca Cola.

  • dedpoet
    We are not only just taking over Brooklyn Heights, but over the whole world!"

    Obviously old Nathan had delusions of grandeur.

  • themonster123

    On The Way Out, you forgot Starbucks and MacDonalds..... That's scary man, about him laughing about taking over the world I know it's a joke, but still.....

  • metaspy

    Bill Gates will definitely beat out the WTS

  • jaguarbass

    If it walks like a duck and squawks like a duck, it must be a duck.

  • troucul


  • Stealth453

    sKnorr was a sociopathic nutbar.

    Crackpot, I say.

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