The Watchtower Lie That Hurts Children and Families (6/1/07)

by metatron 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Question From Readers, June 1 2007:

    "Does Proverbs 22:6 guarantee that if Christian children are properly trained, they will not depart from

    the way of Jehovah?"

    Response: ".........generally speaking, this would be the result. What an encouragement this is to


    If you are a lurker here, you may not feel qualified to comment on controversies about translations

    or chronology. However, to judge the above claim, you need look no further than your own

    family or your own congregation. The fact is, that congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses are

    undergoing a mass exodus of young people. The self-serving response of Watchtower leaders is

    to avoid complete exposure of the problem - or , tragically, to quietly blame parents for the loss

    by hiding behind the excuse that kids weren't "properly trained" - instead of honestly

    admitting that the infrastructure of their organization is woefully inadequate to retain

    Witness children.

    And the results of this endlessly repeated deception?

    Witness parents who sit in their bedrooms and secretly weep. More prescriptions for anti-depressant

    medications. Witness kids who are disowned and shunned , often at the most critical time of their

    lives, as to career or education. This deception sponsors an endless habit of guilt, to be eagerly

    exploited by Watchtower leaders, as Witness parents condemn their children in their hearts.

    When these Theocratic tyrants write this ugly nonsense, do they ever open their eyes and get

    enlightment from their own publications? Do they notice the articles about Witness kids

    "hooking up", leading "double lives", or secretly "texting" worldly boyfriends?

    Does it ever occur to these cold hearted old men that they setting up people for cruel

    failures in seeking an impossible task?

    Answer: No! and the above reference shows you how these selfish men justify themselves.


  • Pubsinger
  • Gayle

    I am so glad that so many young people are leaving the WT. I wonder maybe many parents are subconsciously allowing their children room for a little more self-thinking as many parents, tho still believing, could be tiring out, getting depressed, broke or somehow not making WT life all that desirable.

  • LongHairGal

    Any JW parent today, in the year 2007, who discourages or "forbids" their child from going to college should have their head examined. This should almost be considered a form of child abuse as far as I am concerned. Even if the parents have no money there are student loans. A parent should not have to feel regret or guilt at a later date for this monumental error.


  • bluesapphire

    Meta, I honestly wish you were a lying apostate bastard ... or at the least exaggerating!

    These facts are sooooo sad. I am choked up right now thinking about the poor kids and also the poor parents who weep for their children. It's so unnatural to have to shun your own child.

    The only positive spin I could put on this is that thank the gods that society will not allow the Watchtower to do what it really wants to do and that is to stone these children to death!

  • dedpoet
    The self-serving response of Watchtower leaders is

    to avoid complete exposure of the problem - or , tragically, to quietly blame parents for the loss

    by hiding behind the excuse that kids weren't "properly trained" - instead of honestly

    admitting that the infrastructure of their organization is woefully inadequate to retain

    Witness children.

    That's watchtower policy in a nutshell - if a kid goes astray, blame the parents,
    if a prophecy fails (like 1975), blame the brothers for reading too much into the
    publications. Never accept responsibility for anything, never apologise for anything,
    just keep shifting the blame, the brothers will always accept it. None of them dare
    challenge the leadership anyway, and the few who dare are quietly got rid of, and
    accused of apostasy, or some such crime.

    When these Theocratic tyrants write this ugly nonsense, do they ever open their eyes and get

    enlightment from their own publications? Do they notice the articles about Witness kids

    "hooking up", leading "double lives", or secretly "texting" worldly boyfriends?

    Does it ever occur to these cold hearted old men that they setting up people for cruel

    failures in seeking an impossible task?

    Of course not. All they really care about is maintaining their position, and holding on to
    their control over the flock. If a few kids, or even a few parents have to be sacrificed in
    the quest, tough on them.

  • Quandary


    Thank you very much for your well stated commentaries! I always look forward to read what you share with us!

    God bless!


  • minimus

    MET, you're back! Great thread! You are sooooooooooo right. And now parents like my nearly 81 year old mother can blame herself for her son leaving the "Truth". It's like the Organization LOVES to keep people down.

  • Nowman

    As I have posted on several occasions, I am one of those former JW kids disowned by their mom and dad at 18 because of this cult. The good thing is, my mom came to her senses 8 years after I dad, its been 15 years since I last saw him....


  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Can anyone post a scan of this article?

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