Who has the truth about 607BC??

by cultswatter 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    The next link is a JW site saying that 587 is wrong and 607 is right


    The following 7 page document says that 607 is wrong and 587 is right


    You be the judge


  • stevenyc


    the author of the '607 is correct' site tried to sell his wares his some time ago. He got pretty bruised up and left.


  • Arthur

    An important question that needs to be asked more often is: Who is it that has a huge emotional investment in a certain year being correct? Is it the Watchtower Society or scholars?

    Would it really make much of a difference to scholars and archeologists if Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 instead of 587? Would it affect their own religious faith?

    Does the year 607 make any difference in the credibility of the Watchtower Society and the authority that it has over millions of people? Absolutely. One could argue that it is the very foundation of the organization's supposed authority and appointment.

    When the Watchtower Society claims to be committed to truth for "truths sake" on this issue, I would not be so quick to take them at their word. If the scholars are wrong; they'll scratch their beards for a bit, and then publish their updated findings in academic journals. If the Watchtower are wrong however, they have millions of members who lose confidence in their divine appointment. They have exponentially more to lose if they are wrong.

  • Juan Viejo
    Juan Viejo

    Thanks a lot, Cultswatter - for nothing. That link takes me to a file server site that has a pop-up that even my popupstopper won't kill. What a waste of time. No matter what you click, another pop up rears its ugly face.

    Anyone using these free file retention systems should go back later and test them again. These free services are making their money some way.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I could argue about the Bible being wrong. I could argue about all the different lines
    of proof that 607 BCE is wrong because there would be a 20 year gap in everything.

    I will simply say that the WTS insists on 607 BCE and the 70 years starting there.
    The Bible supporters that disagree with WTS can make a different meaning for 70 years
    that seems to fit. These two kind of cancel each other out, leaving us with the different
    lines of evidence or the Bible being wrong. Let's try a third method.

    Most scholars that support 587 vs. 607 have no real vested interest in either one. They
    won't make a fortune if they can prove one or the other. They won't lose a fortune is they
    are wrong. Their findings are based on scientific methods. There is no reason to suspect
    evil on their part.

    WTS used pyramid measurements to say that God left a witness in the pyramid to have
    men discover later. Their findings have changed to suit their needs also. After they
    established that 1914 CE was the start of Armageddon, and it didn't come, they said that
    it was the start of the last days, based on their pyramid calculations. Their original pyramid
    calculations had them guessing that 606 BCE was the time of Jerusalem's desolation.
    Apparently, CT Russell forgot that there was no year ZERO, so he was off by a year.

    Are we keeping score. Pyramids established the WTS theory. What they said would
    happen didn't happen, so they changed it. Their starting point was off. That's three
    critical errors. (Pyramids were abandoned, as later, anyone could simply take the measurements
    and prove they were not as WTS originally said).

    Next (we will skip a bunch of false prophecies) they said the generation that saw the beginning
    in 1914 would see the end at Armageddon. Wrong again. For a people who are so right, and
    insist that others are wrong, I have a problem.

    THE FACT IS THIS- If World War One had not started in 1914, this whole International Bible Students
    Association (Later called WTBTS of NY, Inc.) would have dried up and blown away.
    Instead, they held on to their theory that 1914 CE was the end, just kept readjusting what that
    meant, and later tried to make everyone forget what they said in the beginning. All the
    things they have folks focus on for 1914 have to do with "wonderful times before that date" and
    "wicked times after that date." There's no facts in their theories. They only cling to 607 BCE
    because they clung too long to 1914 CE, and tied the two together.

    WTS sells literature. Their literature depends on free-labor distributors who believe everything they
    print. If they admit their errors and pyramidology, their entire belief system could collapse.
    There is every reason to suspect their intent on ignoring scientific evidence is based on
    self-preservation instead of an honest search for the truth. That is EVIL.

    WTS is an Armageddon cult that can't ever admit to mistakes in their chronology and doctrine.

  • Juan Viejo
    Juan Viejo

    My prediction is that within the next 25 years, if not much less - the WBTS will announce "new light" and call 1914 a "significant year", but not the actual beginning of the end. Just like the "this generation shall not pass..." prophecy, 1914 will slowly fall by the wayside like 1918, 1925 and 1975 did.

    But because of the nature of the JWs, they will have to come up some new prophecy in order to keep the troops interested and in line. If they don't, they will be precisely the same as the Adventists and Mormons - slightly off-center but otherwise mainstream.

    Who knows? Maybe that would be a good thing for the JWs, to be "mainstream." But that kind of a change would put there special relationship claims in jeopardy.

    I still wonder how they are going to explain the 144,000 doctrine away when 8000 people are still sipping the wine and nipping the crackers in 2025. If that many of the "faithful" keep falling away and having to be replaced, then they must not have been especially faithful, huh?


  • jeanV

    there is a rebuttal of the jehovahsjudgment website written by Jeffro: http://jeffreyd.no-ip.com/wordpress/index.php/jehovahs-witnesses-and-1914/response-to-607-website/

    I am with Arthur.

  • cultswatter

    Juan Viejo

    Please be patient. It looks like you are not familiar with these file hosting services. I agree these free file hosting services can be a pain in the butt."File send" has worked everytime though . You can upload to it and download from it fast and easy with no Monkeys shoving a banana in your face.

    Look at the bottom of their site page. There is a timer. When the timer runs out after about 20 seconds then a big yellow sign will say "DOWNLOAD" click on that have fun.

  • OnTheWayOut
    a big yellow sign will say "DOWNLOAD"

    Many are afraid to download from such a site. ME TOO.
    All your reassurances aren't going to make me hit that button.
    Plus- I am a fader, not wanting anything put on my computer that
    can be found. Paranoid, you say. You bet.

  • cultswatter

    On the way out

    I detect you might not want to see the truth. At any rate I have checked this file out well before I ever posted it on JWD. If you care to look at my post history you will see that many persons(thousands) have downloaded my MS word files without there being a single case of aomeones computer getting a virus.

    You do yourself a great diservice by not looking at these MS word files, as they print out very nicely without a problem. After all its is the printed word that apostates cherish.

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