How Does One Find Another Religion

by pettygrudger 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • borgfree

    Hi Pettygrudger,
    I was also born into the JWs, I stayed in for 54 years. After I left I chose the NIV version of the bible because I could find it in computer programs and anywhere I wanted. I subscribed to a little booklet from RBC Ministries (Radio Bible Class) it is sort of like a daily text type booklet but it also is designed to read all the way through the bible in one year. This year I am reading through the bible in the Amplified bible. I subscribe to several ex-jw newsletters and attend church once in a while, right now. I went to an ex-jw convention when I left the Org. and while there I chose to give my life to our Lord Jesus. For me, that changed my life forever, for the good. I am very happy attending most any church I feel like attending (few exceptions) You will find in time that the NWT is probably the worst translation of all. BTW I am going back to that ex-jw convention for the 9th year next Thursday. Hope any of this might help you. Feel free to email me if I can help in any way.


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • GentlyFeral

    Here's how I did it.

    1. Decide you really really need to stop being a jaydub, for sound moral reasons.

    2. Make out a list of absolutely essential qualifications for your next church. Mine were
    a) no trinity, hellfire, or immortal soul
    b) no forced political conservatism
    c) no bullshit of any kind

    3. Go websurfing. As others have advised, read the critical sites as well as the approving ones. When reading the critics, decide for yourself if their arguments actually mean anything to you.

    4. Before jumping in, find out what their policies are on ex-members...preferably from ex-members (I didn't do this; but I had the good luck to join a church that thinks it isn't the only true religion).

    I ended up at the nearest Unitarian Universalist church. It's actually a good place to have a religious breakdown, and they'll let you explore ANYTHING while you figure out what you believe -- in fact, they expect you to. Might be a comfortable, yet mind-blowing, place for you to start. UU Christians are a minority within the church, though. Maybe United Church of Christ or the Quakers or the Episcopalians might fit you better.

    And don't assume you have to join the first church you check out.



    Hello pettygrudger and....

    this is a good question. Especially after coming out of what we were raised is "the only truth."

    Where DOES one go???

    The answer is simple. Our lord is NOT and has NEVER wanted mankind to turn to "religion". That is what keeps enslaving us all over agian. GALATIANS 4:1-(read please) GALATIANS 5:1.

    The where "we go" is a who and "HE" invites us to come to him. MATTHEW 11:28-30. Also the bible is a compilation of many books. Not all of the 66 books are "inspired." Only the book of Moses, the prophets (what they wrote) Psalms and Revelation. The rest are letters, history, commendation to the "church" (people)and lot of arguing between the Jews and Gentiles....

    As far as "studying" the bible, please take a minute a read JOHN 5:39&40. I was amazed the first time I read it.
    Also ECCLESIATES 12:11,12 and think about how many "books" etc we used in the org to trrryyyy to understand ONE book, the bible!
    They are TRULY "wearisome to the flesh."

    Hope this helps some and we are here for you or email me anytime.

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • Introspection

    So basically, are you asking other human beings how to avoid the teachings of man?

    While I would agree with a lot of what others have said here, there is a fundamental issue that is often overlooked. You use your mind to investigate, so why not start by understanding your own mind? If your mind is still filled with JW programming, it is not going to be the best tool to use. But an important thing to realize is that you are not your thoughts, or any of the knowledge that you pick up. It is possible to clear the clutter and come to a point where all you have is what you might call your God given intelligence. Even if you do stumble upon the correct way, how would you know it's the way? If you are operating from such a natural intelligence, though, then you can recognize it. Otherwise, you are still taking someone else's word for it.

  • larc


    I never found a need to find another religion, or get involved in any organization, beyond what my job reqired. I became a private person, who had a few close friends and no desire to figure out life's inevetabilities. What ever will be will be, is my attitude. I don't pray to God, and therefore do not ask for special favors or deliverance. It is in hands, not mine. Therefore, I just try to live the best I know how, without fear or concern. It may not be your answer, but it is mine. It gives me great peace.

    I would rather learn about continental drift, than another concept of God. Trying to learn about God is a waste of time, in my opinion.

  • cindy

    I find it very sad that almost everyone can go from such a devote belief to disbelief or almost indifference. Regardless of NWT or KJ version the same message is there if you can just translate the sheols and hades and a few other key points. I think that we all agree that the NWT had an agenda behind it and that it is wrong. So go from there. Any Bible that a Christian book store sells is going to be acceptable by any church. The intro to study Bibles should tell you who wrote the footnotes. At the church I attend we all have different versions and we compare all the time. We read are study guides and discuss what they say. My Bible class consists of us only reading scripture and discussing it, that's probably something that you need. You also need to pray that God will guide you, he got you out of the org. He will guide you where you need to be. I will pray for you.

  • larc


    I assume you are addressing your words of sadness to me. Why? I am not sad. I do not have to spend inordinate amounts of time in study and research and discussion and prayer to try to make sense of it all. I just live and enjoy life. I don't think God will object to my decision. If you think he will, tell me why?

  • Kophagangelos
    1. Decide you really really need to stop being a jaydub, for sound moral reasons.

    2. Make out a list of absolutely essential qualifications for your next church. Mine were
    a) no trinity, hellfire, or immortal soul
    b) no forced political conservatism
    c) no bullshit of any kind

    I was catholic before I am JW! If I left JW I would NEVER return to the corrupt catholic religion.

    My essential qualification:

    No trinity, no hell, no soul! And the worship to Jehovah and randsom of Jesus! I have the explaination of Greek Scripture for the bible and 7 different bible translation. I will comparte only with the Greek scripture. That is the way to understand the bible better!

  • larc


    Why do you say the Catholic Church is corrupt. They certainly spend more time in charity than the Witnesses by a long shot.

    So, you don't believe in the Trinity. How does the nature of God affect your every day life? Not at all, so what difference does it make in the long run. Now, the WT has beliefs that affect life, e.g., end of the world predictions. The Catholics gave that up a thousand years ago. So who's better?

    So, the Catholics believe in hell fire. Isn't Armageddon just as scary for the average Witness? Of course it is. Now the soul. Who cares if you have one or not. It still turns out the same. If you are good you will come back to life. Who cares how it happens, and why argue about it.

  • Kophagangelos

    The nun had strike to me in my childhood and a wife told me that his child was striked by the nun! I forced to go in the catholic church. I cannot endure it and left the catholic church! Boring doctrine. I cannot forgive the catholic church and lost the faith on god! I hated the religion very much until I contact to JW through my History teacher privately. More gays and child abuse in the church! That is not the truth life in the catholic church! I was very suspicously about the religion.

    I gain the love to Jehovah through the bible! I had learned the proof that Jehovah is a reality for me! I am very interesting what the bible said and I get the faith on God again. I have no fear to Armagedon because I have a wish come in the new world! If I am not JW more and I cannot argue with the other about the religon because they are catholic and read almost NEVER the bible. They have the customs. In my town is the people very catholic and also the atheist.

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