Nicotine Withdrawl - How long does it go on for?

by Clam 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Clam

    Hello All,

    The last couple of weeks haven't been too good. My wife has given up smoking.

    Initially it was out of necessity as she had had her tonsils removed, but as she got used to doing without her cigarettes she felt as though she might as well give up altogether. Great stuff!

    Problem is she is one irritable mother. Life is miserable, I can't do a thing right however hard I try. It's not consistent either. Sometimes, maybe for an hour or so she's back to her nice as pie self, but then the demons take over and she's back to being nasty and short tempered.

    Has anyone lived with or been in a relationship with, someone who has given up smoking? Is it normal for the withdrawl to cause so much irritability, and how long does it last?

    Clam (weeping and scared of Mrs Clam coming home from work)

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Clam,

    It is very hard to quit smoking. I've tried a few times recently, and I've hardly been fit to live with for the usually short time I go without cigarettes.

    I gave up when I was studying with the jws, and wanted to get baptised, in my 20's, and I was irritable for a few months afterward, though less so after the first 2 or 3 weeks. Once someone is addicted to nicotine, they are always addicted, as with other drugs. When i gave up to be a jw, I found that there are were some situations, usually moments of stress, when my brain told me that a cigarette would help me overcome, and I did have an occasional one over the years as a jw (my secret sin lol). I would think that your wife will go through the same thing, but the irritability will fade in time.

    In the meantime, good luck to both of you - your wife on quitting successfully and you for getting through her irritable moments.


  • DJK

    I've got that problem and my wife hasn't smoked in years. Ha ha

    Seriously, she's almost there, be patient.

  • ButtLight

    The last time i couldnt talk to me for about 3 weeks.......then I became sane again! I really wish I could quit now, I smoke way too much...I have no will power!

  • BrentR

    I know several people that took Wellbutrin to get through nic withdrawls and they said it helped alot. It does take a while for the dopamine receptors to shrink back to normal.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Looks like you're in a tough spot:

    DON"T DO IT!

    Seriously, though- I have known folks who quit and were over withdrawal in a few weeks, as well as those who on the opposite end of the spectrum. My brother's wife quit for a little over a year- the entire time she was very ill-tempered and unbearable to live with, so my brother pointed this out and she is now back to smoking.

    I'm of the opinion it is a nearly impossible task for some to quit.

    Here's hoping Mrs Clam is of the former class!!



  • Clam

    Thanks Linda! LOL @ DJK yes it's like permanent PMTButtlight well at least it's not unusual then. Brent I'll look out for Wellbutrin. Can't say I've heard of it.

  • BFD


    I couldn't even live with myself last time I tried to quit smoking! One minute, happy as a clam (pardon the pun) the next minute a bitch on wheels. I had to go back to smoking to stay sane. One day, I hope to quit but I may have to lock myself up in a cabin far far into the woods.


  • Clam

    LOL BA - yep where's my guardian angel when I need him?

    My brother's wife quit for a little over a year- the entire time she was very ill-tempered and unbearable to live with, so my brother pointed this out and she is now back to smoking.

    That's interesting. If it goes on for only half a year I'll be stringing myself up. Maybe it's true - some people just can't do it.


  • mouthy

    Problem is she is one irritable mother.
    Oh dont remind me.... I used to smoke 2 packs a day. Then I quit ( to get baptised) it took me 9 months.... to get over wanting one. My kids used to BEG me to smoke again because I was so irritable...Just walk away & let her suffer through it.... She is really into withdrawel. That is her addiction. But if she really wants to do it ,She can .No One ever thought I would quit..( In fact many studied with me after I quit thinking it was because of Jehovahs help & they became JWs-My JW daughter used to smoke & said one day thats it no more & stopped that day & never smoked again???? Then she became a JW).. My husband still smoked when I was quitting ,he used to lit up about six cigerettes to tempt me...& leave them in the ashtray & watch me walk away....Now I cant stand the smell of a smoker, . Try to put up with her for awhile.... Tell her you understand ,The WEED is the demon.....

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